TS2 > TS3 Functional Sewing table [BETA V2.0.0] - Please redownload!

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6 months ago, I decided to convert TS2's sewing table to TS3. But, as a decorative item, it just was... not that interesting! I had already done a few basic C# sims related things. Just sounded easy, though oh boy... was this one an intense one to code Especially if you have a brain like mine, once you have a new idea for a feature, it needs to be included. So, 6 months later, we're here with a functional ts2 table with even MORE stuff than ts2's did :D

Please Redownload!
I made a massive oopsie, so make sure to redownload 2.0.0 if you had redownloaded the 2.0.0 version! (Massive thanks to Annie for finding and testing the new hotfix!
Create Clothing for your sims!
You can finally, with 1.0.7 & 1.0.8 create your sim's clothing! In order to sew some clothing, make sure to download these as well! SEWABLE SKIRTS AND LONG SLEEVE

Knit the 'knitted' fabric piece, now with Zoe's Knitting mod!. See under Downloads to download the 'compatible' xml for it!


BEFORE reporting any bugs, here are a few things you should try:
  • Fix 1: In the save you're having issues with, make sure to delete and replace the sewing table. This should re-add all the interactions properly again and should prevent any errors from happening.
  • IF FIX 1 DOESN'T HELP: ( only applicable If you've updated the mod from an older version to 1.0.9),

    Make sure you're playing the sewing table in a new save. Currently, a lot has been adjusted 'under the hood' that the save data that's in your save that had older data of the sewing table, will cause some unexpected issues with the mod. Usually:

    - Practise running like a few sim-minutes long.
    - When wanting to create a project, a null reference appears (or just simply resets your sim)
    - Pattern club not working well.
    - Some of the social interactions doing some odd things (like resetting sims, points not being added to the friendship bar, etc)
    - Skill data may also be affected in such a way that the stats are incorrect.
  • Fix 2: if you're sure it's not your save, and you've tried replacing the sewing table and that still has issues, then you can always Try to delete your caches in order to help to fix some of the bugs.
  • IF NONE OF THIS WORKED, please let me know! Then it's probably just a bug in the sewing table

"Failed To Load Sewing Skill" - error:
- It seems that extracting it with WinRAR is giving issues where it does weird stuff to the package, including Screwing the slots, so if you happen to have this error and you have little to no mods, try extracting it either with Windows' inbuilt extractor, or 7zip



 HOTFIX [Version 2.0.0] 17-08-2023:
- Fixed a critical issue where Sewing Objects didn't work anymore and threw errors. (PLEASE REDOWNLOAD!)

 [Version 2.0.0] 06-08-2023:
- You can now check what your sim has made clothing wise! Just click on them and then find: Sewing Skill > Check Clothing Sewn.
- Social Interactions that came with the sewing machine no longer show up for everyone.
- Fixed an issue where the sewing table would say "In Use" even if it was your own sim sewing. This is no longer the case! (Though, if it is in use by a different sim, your sim won't be able to see interactions though. It's the same as most EA crafting items.
- Fixed an issue where the computer interactions couldn't be chosen from the inside when it was in your sim's inventory.
- Attempting to fix some weird null reference errors when sewing objects. (But would need more testing to see if it's entirely bug free)
- Added a way to tune the chances of an item failing. (alternatively, look at Returner: Sims3.Gameplay.Objects.Lyralei > Sewing Table > SucessChance and SuccessChancePerLevel. (Math is: successChance + (successIncreasePerLevel * Sim's SkillLevel) = Outcome)
- Also increased the success rate. As reference: Level 8 sims have 80% to have a successful item.

BIG thanks to Annie280 and rumbutter for the tests and feedback! :D

The Sewing table: 

This is TS2's sewing table. But converted and made functional in TS3 It has full chair support which you can choose yourself, so your simmies can sit comfortably!
First, you start out with 50 pieces of Denim, Leather, Cotton, Knitted, Synthetic and Satin. You also get 3 randomly chosen, easy patterns. - As of 1.0.8 you no longer get 3 random patterns.

The sewing table has a few interactions. 'Start project/continue project', 'Practise sewing', 'Open inventory', 'Restock fabric', 'DEBUG_DiscoverAllPAtterns'.

Start project/continue project
This interaction will appear once your sim reached level 1 of sewing.
When this interaction is fired, the sim will walk to the sewing table. After that, a modal will show up. If your sim OR the sewing table's inventory has any patterns, the modal will show the projects to make.
You can only choose one (duh :p), and once you confirm your choice, the fabric pieces will be taken from the sewing table and your sim is ready to sew it!
Continue obviously means continue the project if you ever canceled it

Practise sewing
Not really into the continuously sewing objects? Well, then this one is for you! Your sim will infinitely sew (Unless they're dying or the game cancelled it... or you :p). You also got a 30% chance to discover a new pattern!
NPCs/townies will also do this autonomically if there's a sewing table nearby.

[13-04-2021] Start Clothing Project
This option will be available when you have some clothing patterns AND your sim's sewing skill is level 6 at least! You need to make sure to download my sewables download in order to not see an empty dialogue. Here's the link: https://modthesims.info/download.php?t=654937

Note for creators:
Are you a creator and want to make your Clothing "sew-able"? You actually can!  Check it out here: https://greenplumbboblover.tumblr.c...ing-item-sewing

Open inventory
Obviously makes sense. But, it's not a fridge! So you can't store rubber duckies or soap in there, like you can with a fridge. Only fabric pieces and patterns can be stored inside the sewing table's inventory.

Restock fabric
In need of some fabric? Cool! It works basically the same as the scrap workbench would. So you got an option of:

- 5 for 250
- 100 for 5000
- 10 for 500.

Keep in mind that this restocks i.e 5 of each fabric type piece! (So, 5 of leather, 5 of denim, 5 of cotton, etc) I might, later on, make this dependent on fabric pieces, so it's not all of them

If you have NRaas debug enabled installed, you can also get this interaction Just click on the sewing machine > Nraas > DEBUG_DiscoverAllPAtterns. From there you'll unlock all of the patterns. But be aware! if your sim is level 1, a good 1/4 of them will show in the dialogue, since your sim doesn't know yet how to make more difficult patterns.

As a creator this is a great interaction to see if your content is included!

What else is included?



Patterns are the 'guideline' for a sim to sew an object. There are 4 different levels:

Level 0 To 2: Easy sewable projects
Level 3 to 5: Medium sewable projects
Level 6 to 8: Hard sewable projects
Level 9 to 10: Super hard sewable projects
(Special - being a supernatural sim) Level 9 to 10: Super hard sewable that require a bit of magic - your sim needs to be either a Witch, Fairy, Genie or an imaginary friend in order to unlock these.

You'll always get 3 easy sewables that your sim can practise on. However, to get more you also need to find them! Now I promise you it's not like an easter hunt I've also added a check that, once your sim is finding their own patterns, you will never get a duplicated one.

Note: The check doesn't actually keep in mind which random 3 patterns it got when placing it on the sewing table. This is entirely done on sim-level, whereas when placing the sewing table in the world is not. So you might end up with 3 duplicated ones.
Patterns can be stored in a sim's inventory or the Sewing table.

Note for creators:
Are you a creator and want to make your download "sew-able"? You actually can! It's super easy to do:

There are 2 interactions. They're also both ways to get more patterns for your sim!

Join the Pattern club:
From the start, you should be able to join the pattern club! The pattern club will provide you patterns on every Thursday. And you only need to pay a lifetime fee of 200! It's strongly inspired by the book club. Every Thursday, you'll get random patterns in the mail.
If you ever feel like leaving the club, then that's also possible! Just go to the computer again and leave the pattern club.

Browse for Patterns:
Unless your sim has the trait 'Anti TV', your sim will check the internet about sewing. After stopping this interaction, During the interaction, there's a 30% chance to find a pattern. And if you do, the sim will notify you as well as the pattern appearing in your sim's inventory

[20-09-2020]  Blog about sewing:
Your sims can now blog about sewing! It does require you to have at least a minimum level of 3 for both social networking and sewing. You also need to make sure that you've already created a blog . After using this interaction, you'll see one of the 10 unique new posts that your sim can create on the blog app. This interaction will both slightly increase your sewing and social networking skills.

[04-06-2021] Buy ANY Patterns:
You can now buy any pattern that you're missing (or just want the ones you like!) from the computer! Whether it be clothing or objects, doesn't matter, you'll be getting the pattern for it non the less. Each pattern costs 200 simoleans though, so keep that in mind! Else the game will let you know
I hope in the future to make this look a bit more 'web-shop' like, rather than recycling the dialogue for clothing.


Blog about sewing:
Same as the computer interaction. Excepts, this is of course on a phone!  the interaction itself, however, isn't found under 'social networking' but as a regular phone interaction. For this, you also need a blog app and a minimum skill level of 3 for both social networking and sewing. This interaction will both slightly increase your sewing and social networking skills.


[20-09-2020] Talk about Sewing
An easy, but lovely interaction! your sim can finally talk about their hobbies with their friends, families, acquaintances, etc. Your sim needs a minimum skill level of 2 to do this. It will also slightly increase their sewing skill level. Sims with the Charisma skill will also benefit from this . The interaction can be found under 'friendly...'

[13-04-2021]Give Clothing as Gift
That's right! If you made your clothing item, you can gift it to any Teen through Elder! Do make sure though that you need to at least be a friend in order for the sim to accept the gift! If they accept, they'll let you know that they'll wear it soon! (I do notice that this isn't always 100% happening. Sometimes there are a few days between it, I guess sims are just forget full ) But if you've played animal crossing, then basically that feature of gifting clothing and then the NPC wearing it later, is basically what this is! Do make sure that the item you gave them meets their age/gender requirements though!

[13-04-2021]Sell hand-made clothing
Same as Give Clothing as Gift, but without the requirement of needing to be a friend or family member! Right before your sim is selling the item, you'll see a dialogue that will ask how much you'd want to sell it for. In this case, a snob or a diva might not like the cost you're proposing for them if it's too low. If it's too high, other sims will also let you know So keep it at least under a 1000 simoleans!

Make sure though, that to fully use this feature, you'll need some sewing table compatible clothing! See: https://modthesims.info/download.php?t=654937

If anyone would love to have a 'Sell clothing' option, then I can always include this too! As it's basically restricted currently as just friends and up.

The table also comes with a skill! There are obviously 10 levels. All patterns are linked to a particular sim skill, so check out the pattern section if you want to understand how that works

Now, you can gain more skill points in various ways:

- Using the sewing table
- Buying the Sewing books in the store.

When buying the sewing books, you'll get treated with not just a skill, but after each time you've levelled up after reading one of those books, you'll unlock a pattern! This will also appear in your inventory.

The sewing table can be found under: Office > Hobbies and skills. Just for 1.250
The pattern is obviously obtainable, and can't be bought through the catalogue. Same for the book.
It comes with 3 channels. It also comes with 4 variations to choose from

Technical issues

Frequently asked questions
Big thanks to Annie280 for answering any questions as well when I was working on other mods. I really appreciate it!

"I'm not seeing any clothing when I want to sew any?!"
Please download: https://modthesims.info/d/654937/ly...ong-sleeve.html
The sewing machine needs particular clothing made for this mod to be sewn.

"The sewing table keeps eating my projects!"
Make sure you got version 1.0.9! If you already had a sewing table in your game, simply delete the old table and place a new one. Alternatively, you can always cheat the skill level if it's really bothering you, since the higher your skill the less likely this will happen

"Can I delete any patterns?"
Yep! just drag them to the selling space and voila! However, if you did this by accident, you can always purchase your already discovered patterns back

"Can I store them anywhere?"
There are a few ways to store them:
1. The sewing table itself
2. The bookcase
3. A chest

"I don't want to discover all the patterns, how do I get them all at once?!"
If you have nraas debug enabler, you can simply click on the sewing table > NRaas debug enabler > "Discover all patterns" and it will add all the patterns to the sewing table

Stuff you guys mention and I'll fix
- The table turns invisible on the lowest texture setting.
- Teen animation needs some tweaking (hands are currently going through the table)
- Every sim can sell and/or gift sewable items, even though they don't have any or haven't done any sewing machine stuff before.

I'll work in themes. Since that's easier to implement things with

- V1.1.0 Will be focused on the Skilling aspect. (Any ideas are welcome!!) Already done!
- V1.0.7 Will be only focused on making custom Clothing. (Finished as of [13-04-2021])
- V1.0.8 Will be focused on the 'selling' part of the mod.
- V1.2.0 Will be only focused on magical features.

Information for Creators

Creators can include their own custom craftable sewing projects. Now, making them 'sewable compatible' doesn't mean you need this mod. All that this script does is read values, so the game really doesn't care if there's an extra XML file, it just ignores it if the table isn't installed.

TUTORIAL LINK (OBJECTS): https://www.modthesims.info/showpos...stcount=2<br />TUTORIAL LINK (CLOTHING): https://greenplumbboblover.tumblr.c...ing-item-sewing

There's also a creator debugger. This is also explained in the tutorial, but if you ever have a resource key included that's weird or empty, then it will let you know same if the fabric isn't correctly written down. etc.

If you need any support or help, or even have me prepare your object for you, just let me know in a PM or comments!

Information for Script modders

Additional 'Sewables':
Things created by me or other creators. Clothing or objects (or sewing machines!) alike:

Sewing table:


Fabric pieces:

Additional Credits:
Massive thanks to: rosy-daylight, Zoe22, michela1390, LucyBorgia, desiree-uk and Victor_tor for testing the ALPHA version of this!

More massive thanks to: Zoe22, Battery, Gamefreak130, KittyTheSnowcat, PuddingFace and especially Tashiketh for helping me out on the super coding logistical issues I had! If I could give you guys some bonbons or chocolates, I'd have done it right away!

And of course, all people on tumblr who have supported this project with their enthusiasm!

If I could give you all a hug, I'd totally do so!

Skill icon: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/...e=1&position=61

Programs used:
- S3PE - S3OC - Blender
- Visual Studio 2019
- Sharp Develop
- TS3 :p
- Milkshape 3D
- STBLize
- xNormal
- TextureTweaker
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