Magic Academy / Dark Magic Academy Career
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This mod adds a new custom "Career" to the game: the Magic Academy.
The Magic Academy is an ancient institution that educates students on the study of sorcery and witchcraft. It is themed as a university-level institution for young adults and older.
Are you interested in the world beyond what we can't merely see? Have you been born with supernatural powers, but don't know how to wield them? The Magical Academy is the perfect place to enroll and hone your magical skills. Students go through five years of rigorous study and training in all magical arts, before they are offered the choice of a career in continued magical teaching or in Magical Law Enforcement. Non-Witch Sims are allowed to join, but as basic magical ability is expected of all students, don't expect to get past first year. Join the Magical Academy and help to shape the Supernatural World!
Note that your Sim does not have to be of the Witch Occult life state to join this career, but since the career requires building your Sim's Spellcasting skill they would find it exceedingly difficult to progress (imagine being a muggle attending Hogwarts!)
Also something to keep in mind is that Sims in this career will not be paid a salary for the first five levels of the "Education" branch of this career. This is by design, as (just like real-life universities) education isn't free. Your sims will need to find a way to financially support themselves if they stay in the Education branch, until they reach a paid level of the career.
Rabbithole: The Magic Academy career is situated in the School rabbithole, regardless of which branch you choose.
Work Tones:
- Business as Usual
- Study hard in the library (Work Hard)
- Relax in the Common Room (Take It Easy)
- Meet Fellow Mages in the Great Hall
- Chat with Fellow Mages in the Common Room
- Practise in the Alchemy Laboratory (Increases Alchemy skill)
- Practise flying in the Broomstick Arena (Increases Broomstick Riding skill)
Level 1: First Year Magic Academy Student
Unpaid - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
As an initiate magical student, your first year will focus mainly on basic magical theory and basic spellcasting. First-year students get an initial grasp of magic through their textbooks, but improving your Broomstick Riding and Logic skills will impress your professor and help your grades.
Level 2: Second Year Magic Academy Student
Unpaid - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
Second-year students learn about the natural world and its connection with magic. Students work both in the Academy's greenhouses as well as outside of the school on guided excursions to study the magical flora and fauna of the land. You will need to hone your gardening skills to excel in classes, as well as learning how to work with wild creatures. Be sure to keep improving your Spellcasting prowess, but at the same time be careful. There are rumours of a Dark Academy operating in tandem with the Magic Academy, a kind of dark twin, if you will, the dark counterpart to this bastion of knowledge. Typically, students entering Third Year are approached in secret by Dark Academy members and asked to join, so beware of the pull of dark temptations.
Level 3: Third Year Magic Academy Student
Unpaid - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
The third-year curriculum focuses mainly on the study of Alchemy. The Alchemy Potions lab is where you will learn how to mix, concoct and experiment with magical potions. Also, honing your skills in Collecting Alchemical Ingredients will help this year, alongside improving your general spellcasting skills.
Level 4: Fourth Year Magic Academy Student
Unpaid - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
In fourth year, students learn about astronomy and how it affects their magical powers. Your Logic will be tested this year, alongside your understanding of the Scientific world as you will find out how Science and Magic are linked. Be sure to keep improving your Spellcasting prowess
Level 5: Fifth Year Magic Academy Student
Unpaid - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
It's your final year as a Magic Student, and before graduation you must continue to develop your magical skills. This year, professors are looking for students to show their skills in Alchemy and general Spellcasting. In order to graduate, you must make sure that you attend classes and learn as much about magic as you can.
These levels branch off from Level 5 of the "Education" Branch
Level 6: Magical Researcher
$80 per hour - Mon, Tue,Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun
Before you start any teaching-based position at the Magic Academy, you first must finish and publish your research project, under the tutelage of a senior Magical Teacher. A well-written magical dissertation will help you secure the teaching job you desire, so you spend your days in the musty library and office rooms of the Academy. You will be paid wages for doing menial tasks around the Academy as well as assisting the teachers with their own research projects.
Level 7: Alchemist's Assistant
$96 per hour - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
After finishing your research project you have been moved into the Alchemy Department to work as a classroom assistant. Spending your days cleaning out cauldrons and collecting alchemical reagants will go hand-in-hand with making connections amongst the teaching staff.
Level 8: Magic Teacher
$122 per hour - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
You've been given a job teaching students at the Magic Academy at last. Being charismatic and knowledgeable about all magical subject matters is key to this role: The students look to you for guidance and mentorship, just as you yourself were taught in these same halls beforehand. Magical Teachers are often called upon to perform other services in the community, such as working as healers.
Level 9: High Magical Council Member
$235 per hour - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
The High Magical Council is an organisation of high-ranking teachers that meets to govern both school policy and Witch policy for the wider magical community. The Council meets in the grand meeting hall of the Magic Academy and consists of former and current Magic Teachers, while liaising with Magical Law Enforcement Officers frequently. You are now a member of this prestigious magical council and therefore must represent the interests of the students and faculty of the school. Keeping your Spellcasting skill fresh is always a good idea, as members are required to show a level of competence befitting their high status.
Level 10: Magic Academy Principal
$350 per hour - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur
The High Magical Academy has voted, and their vote has cast you as the next Principal of the Magic Academy! Such a position is one of the most privileged and honoured in Witch society, as the Principal leads the Academy through its next era of education and discovery. The responsibility for the safety of the Academy and its students now lies in your hands, so use your power wisely. Magical Principals are honoured in the annals of the Academy's Library archives, where you can see the storied past of the Academy and the headmasters and headmistresses that served as its custodians.
These levels branch off from Level 5 of the "Education" Branch
Level 6: Magical Archivist
$80 per hour - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
Before starting in any kind of in-the-field role, anyone wishing to work in Magical Law Enforcement has to work in the Archives office. It's boring, tedious work, but you'll have to pay your dues by filing hundreds of reports a day about Supernatural sightings in the presence of "regular" people. While the field agents work outside of the office, your job is to track reports and file information on cases of magical misconduct.
Level 7: Magical Law Enforcement
$96 per hour - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
After what felt like forever behind a desk you are finally a certified Magical Law Enforcement Officer (or MLE for short). MLEs still operate out of the Academy buildings as they provide a good meeting place for all magical minds. As a Magical Law Enforcement Officer you will need to be proficient in both your body and Spellcasting Ability. You should also be skillful with Broom Riding, as MLE Officers will often need to chase down criminals on broomstick a the drop of a (pointy) hat.
Level 8: Inquisitor
$122 per hour - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
When regular Magical Law Enforcement Officers just aren't enough, they call in the Inquisitors. An ancient organisation that has been subsumed into the overall Magical Law Enforcement organisation, Inquisitors are the special forces tasked with keeping order and preventing the world from falling into chaos. The Inquisition has welcomed you into its ranks, but don't slack: Your abilities in Spellcasting, your physical prowess and your skill with a broom will all be needed to excel as an Inquisitor. This organisation has a reputation for quality, but you'll find out how dangerous it really is when you hear of how many members are lost each year. Inquisitors track and hunt down dark magic users and cultists to keep society safe.
Level 9: Inquisitor Captain
$240 per hour - Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri
Only the most senior of those in the Inquisitor Order are allowed into the secretive circle of the High Inquisitors. With there never being more than twelve members at a time, led by the Paragon of Light, the High Inquisitors defend the world from the shadowy forces of Chaos and Shadow Magic. As a High Inquisitor, you are part of the management over the Magical Law Enforcement in this area, but also are tasked with going on the most dangerous missions.
Level 10: Paragon of Light
$280 per hour - Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri
The Paragon of Light is the highest rank any Inquisitor or Magical Law Enforcement officer can achieve. After learning the secrets of the Cosmos itself, you are charged with defending both the physical and cosmic worlds from supernatural and dark threats. The Paragon is a beacon of hope for all of mankind and witchkind, and must present an ideal of strength to the people that he or she protects.
These levels branch off from Level 2 of the "Education" Branch
Level 3: Cultist Initiate
$30 per hour -Sun, Mon, Tue, Fri, Sat
So, you've decided to forgo "traditional" magical education and join a more... clandestine organisation? The Dark Academy will accept anybody into its ranks... provided that they can pull their weight. This cult is comprised mainly of drop-out Magical Students that grew tired or impatient with the constraints of the traditional education system and sought a faster method of getting what they want. Unlike the Magical Academy, we'll pay you a salary, and all you have to do in return is perform certain less-than legal tasks for us. Contrary to what many believe, the Dark Academy still operates in the school, or rather underneath it. Cultists meet and learn in the dark, dank tunnels and chambers in the dark underbelly of the school. Ancient tunnels, long lost to memory are still used by the darker members of the Magical community to carry out their rituals and ceremonies. Cultists may even sneak into the main Academy to use (or steal from) the facilities up there, risking tangling with Academy Security.
Level 4: Cultist Apprentice
$40 per hour - Sun, Mon, Tue, Fri, Sat
Down here in the cold, wet tunnels beneath the Academy, lit only by magical torches, the Cultists are put to work preparing the ritual requirements of the senior members. Levels of trust are low down here: All of the initiates know that their fellow students are in this for themselves, and disagreements can quickly turn into murders in the dead-ends of dark corridors. The higher-ups don't seem to mind, as long as you keep working and keep your head down. Still, making a few friends wouldn't be a bad idea. It's good to know that the person sitting beside you eating their thin gruel for lunch isn't going to stab you in the back... or at least you hope not. You should improve your knowledge of both science and the magical arts, as both will help you to impress the higher-ups and earn prestige.
Level 5: Cultist Acolyte
$52 per hour - Sun, Mon, Tue, Fri, Sat
Surviving in the Dark Academy is tough: Members that regret their decision to join and then decide to leave aren't allowed that option. Instead they just... disappear, often with only bloodied bedsheets left behind to offer any indication of their grisly fate. You keep your head down and try to ingore the anguished screams coming from distant corridors as you scrub blood off of the ancient stone floor and carry buckets of God-knows-what viscera from one chamber to another. You are now allowed to assist the teachers in their dark rituals in a more hands-on approach, a grim task that only the most stalwart can carry out. Still, you've adapted, and now sneak into the main Magic Academy to steal some extra food and spellbooks for yourself. The dark, damp chamber you work in gives you the quiet you need (minus the odd strangled scream from the next hallway) to study your dark materials in peace.
Level 6: Dark Academy Spy
$63 per hour - Sun, Mon, Tue, Fri, Sat
The Cultists that survive their rigorous training and work duties are whittled down (through a mixture of infighting and sacrifice of the weak) to a small number. These chosen few are given one final chance to prove their worth to the Dark Academy, and by extension their loyalty to the Darkness itself. In order to fully "graduate" as a Dark Academy Soldier you are tasked with espionage and assassination missions in a variety of areas, including smuggling illegal magical goods and animals, stealing from government agencies and spying on Magical Law Enforcement in order to work out their next move and thus be several steps ahead of them. Dark Academy Spies can be found in the dark street corners in the misty forests of Moonlight Falls to the dark alleyways of Bridgeport, enacting dark schemes and trading in both magical secrets and contraband. Dark Academy Spies and Soldiers are often thrown into the fighting pits at night as part of their training: A blood-soaked circular subterranean arena ringed with jagged iron blades. Competitors fight to the death in this arena every night, both to provide entertainment to paying customers (why not make a profit while you're at it?) as well as to remove the weak and provide a steady supply of body parts for use in further rituals. Good fighters may earn the recognition of the Dark Academy teacher overseeing the Arena and can curry favour with them.
Level 7: Dark Academy Soldier
$96 per hour - Sun, Mon, Tue, Fri, Sat
The Dark Academy: The sprawling organisation that dwells beneath the world yet is ever-ready to reach out and hook its many claws and tendrils into society above, wreaking havoc. The Dark Academy resides in the shadowy corners of society: In the alleyways and abandoned buildings of cities you will find Dark Academia members, scheming and plotting. You are now a Soldier of the Dark Academy. Having survived the trials and rites of initiation, you are commanded by your dark masters to carry out their fiendish plots. Assassination, theft, fraud. Whatever you are asked to do you must carry out without hesitation. Alongside your fellow Dark Soldiers you roam the dark streets at night, enacting the vicious will of the Darkness.
Level 8: Dark Wizard
$150 per hour - Sun, Tue, Fri, Sat
Your services to the Darkness being recognised at last, you are now one of the teachers in the Dark Academy. Years of dark knowledge have been passed down to you, and now you teach these methods to new Cultist students. Secretly, you are informed by those still yet-above you (for now...) to cultivate those students that show greatest potential. As you learned during your own years as a Cultist student, many students don't make it, and the Dark Academy operates under a survival-of-the-fittest system. Your knowledge of Dark Magic will aid you in keeping your position safe from those that would scheme against you and seek to supplant you. In fact, several Dark Magic Teachers are actually Inquisitors or Academy Magic Teachers that have fallen to the wicked temptations of the Darkness and now serve a more sinister master. These traitors to the Academy will provide useful knowledge in thwarting the plans of those fools above us.
Level 9: Necromancer
$300 per hour - Sun, Tue, Fri, Sat
The secrets of life and death have been revealed to you: The most secret tomes of the library of the Dark Academy are available to you by right as a Dark Magic Teacher. Spending long hours in the dark library, reading scarred books lit by black candles, (wondering to yourself if that really is human skin being used as the cover of this particular tome?) you yearn to seek what all great sorcerers seek: The secret of eternal life. Graphic and vivid diagrams of the human form help you to understand the dark mysteries and the answers that they lead to. Still, with a host of acolytes under your tutelage you must keep your skills sharp. One day you may need willing (or unwilling, which is more likely) sacrifices for your dark experiments...
Level 10: Dark Lord
$400 per hour - Sun, Tue, Fri, Sat
Dark Lords/Ladies are the most powerful of dark sorcerers, capable of manipulating the material and immaterial worlds to fit their insidious will. Such a position is hard-fought, won through countless battles and deals with the darkness. Dark Lords are constantly on the look out for betrayal or the hint of sedition amongst those that serve them. It's a lonely, dangerous position, but the dark powers you have amassed are more than worth it. All other members of the Dark Academy both envy your power and fear your position, owing to the fearful legends and myths that have grown around you. If any doubt these stories, a demonstration of your dark powers will put them in place.
This career branches once, and can then branch again depending on which path you first chose. Because The Sims 3 careers only have one branch by default, adding a second branch was possible, however it was difficult to word the branch choice since The Sims 3 careers are only meant to have one branch option. Therefore the branch option for this career will list the same options each time, however depending on which career path you are currently on it will lead to a different result.
This career has its own uniforms and an array of different opportunities, from class tests to duelling tournaments to dark rituals, depending on which career path you chose. Students will bring home magical textbooks from class every day, which should be read to keep their career performance high.
Additional Functionality:
If you have my Demon Transformation Mod in your game and you have the most up-to-date version of my Magic Academy Career, if your Sim reaches Level 10 of the Dark Academy Branch of the career they can complete an Opportunity called "Demonic Ascension Ritual". If they complete this Opportunity they will become a Demon, however they will remain in their current Life State. This allows you to create a Demon-Witch Hybrid.
Mods and Packs required:
I created this mod on version 1.67.
- You need the Nraas Careers Mod for these careers to work.
- The Sims 3: World Adventures expansion pack is required
- The Sims 3: Ambitions expansion pack is required
- The Sims 3: Generations expansion pack is required
- The Sims 3: Supernatural pack is required
- The Sims 3: Pets pack is required
- The Sims 3: University Life expansion pack is required
Additional Credits:
Additional Thanks:
- MissyHissy - Her tutorial was the only reason I could even get this mod to work, and was incredibly helpful.
- The Nraas Careers Mod, again without which this mod would not work.
Filename | Type | Size |
[CAREER] | zip | |
[CAREER] Magic_Academy_Career.package | package | 37232517 |
Filename | Type | Size |
[CAREER] | zip | |
[CAREER] Magic_Academy_Career_with_Carpool.package | package | 23856510 |
Filename | Type | Size |
[CAREER] | zip | |
[CAREER] Magic_Academy_Career_No_Career_Outfits_No_Journal.package | package | 17161535 |
Filename | Type | Size |
[CAREER] Magic_Academy_Career (Harry_Potter_Version).zip | zip | |
[CAREER] Magic_Academy_Career (Harry_Potter_Version).package | package | 41535807 |
Filename | Type | Size |
MagicAcademy Strings for | zip | |
MagicAcademy English.txt | txt | 139271 |
Filename | Type | Size |
[CAREER] Magic_Academy_Career [College of Winterhold Version].zip | zip | |
[CAREER] Magic_Academy_Career [College of Winterhold Version].package | package | 47150783 |
[CAREER] Magic_Academy_Career (Harry_Potter_Version).zip
| The same as the original career, but themed as a Harry Potter/Hogwarts version of the career. Sims will go to Hogwarts, and can become either a Hogwarts teacher, an Auror or a Death Eater.
Uploaded: 6th Dec 2024, 29.52 MB.
[CAREER] Magic_Academy_Career [College of Winterhold Version].zip
| The same as the original career, but themed around The College of Winterhold from "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim".
Uploaded: 23rd May 2024, 34.67 MB.
| The original career. Updated with Language files for every language (The career text will still be in English but it can be played on non-English language installs of the game)
Uploaded: 23rd May 2024, 27.01 MB.
MagicAcademy Strings for
| Strings for Translation to other languages.
Uploaded: 13th Apr 2024, 24.2 KB.
| The career, but with carpools arriving at every level of the career, not just level 6+ as in the original career.
Uploaded: 7th Oct 2023, 17.29 MB.
| The career, but without any custom career outfits past the first level, and without the journal requirement for those that were having issues with it.
Uploaded: 16th Jan 2023, 12.47 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Click the file listed on the Files tab to download the file to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file. Now you will have either a .package or a .sims3pack file.
For Package files:
1. Cut and paste the file into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages folder. If you do not already have this folder, you should read the full guide to Package files first: Sims 3:Installing Package Fileswiki, so you can make sure your game is fully patched and you have the correct Resource.cfg file.
2. Run the game, and find your content where the creator said it would be (build mode, buy mode, Create-a-Sim, etc.).
For Sims3Pack files:
1. Cut and paste it into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Downloads folder. If you do not have this folder yet, it is recommended that you open the game and then close it again so that this folder will be automatically created. Then you can place the .sims3pack into your Downloads folder.
2. Load the game's Launcher, and click on the Downloads tab. Find the item in the list and tick the box beside it. Then press the Install button below the list.
3. Wait for the installer to load, and it will install the content to the game. You will get a message letting you know when it's done.
4. Run the game, and find your content where the creator said it would be (build mode, buy mode, Create-a-Sim, etc.).
Extracting from RAR, ZIP, or 7z: You will need a special program for this. For Windows, we recommend 7-Zip and for Mac OSX, we recommend Keka. Both are free and safe to use.
Need more help?
If you need more info, see:
- For package files: Sims 3:Installing Package Fileswiki
- For Sims3pack files: Game Help:Installing TS3 Packswiki
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Updated: 6th Dec 2024 at 10:57 PM
#Magic Academy, #Supernatural, #Witch, #Wizard, #Magic, #Magic School, #Magic Education
- Hidden Skills Unhidden by gobot101
This mod is useful if you want to see some of the hidden skills needed for this career, such as the hidden Spellcasting skill, however this mod is not required. - Deadly Spellcasting Duels by me
This mod adds an additional layer of danger to several of the opportunities in this career, as some opportunites require that you engage in spellcasting duels. Use this mod if you want to add a level of challenge to this mod's opportunities, however this mod is not required.
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 3 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | World Adventures |
![]() | Ambitions |
![]() | Generations |
![]() | Pets |
![]() | Supernatural |
![]() | Seasons |
![]() | University Life |