More Fridge Rights for Kids! [Translators Wanted!]
morefridgerights.png - width=1362 height=1052
smallonesbigthings.png - width=1445 height=642
functionalanimations.png - width=3164 height=1009
extrafridgesupport.png - width=2250 height=952
This mod currently supports 11 custom fridges!
animationfix.png - width=1069 height=1015
minifridge.png - width=1726 height=712
Showcase of the slot fixes I applied. Normally all these fridges would have the plates sticking out and hanging in the air.

- 2024-10-27: Multiple languages added at once. Wow! You rock!
(1) Added a Dutch translation. Hartelijk bedankt, CT04!
(2) Added a Finnish translation. Kiitos paljon, Nonaa_!
(3) Added a Portuguese translation. Muito obrigado, logansimmingwolverine! - 2024-08-11:
(1) Added a Czech translation. Moc vám děkuji, SkyeWasTaken!
(2) There is now trait support - albeit small! Children with the Vegetarian Trait will no longer autonomously grab Lunch Meat Sandwiches, Gelatin or Chef Salads from a fridge. All these meals are made with animal produce, so it's obvious that veggie children would not want to eat those on their own! You can still direct them to eat these meaty dishes anyway, for storytelling purposes for example. Additional mods like Easy Inventory Check are not needed - I was able to work around it.
- 2024-05-26: (minor) Updated the written tutorial to incorporate yesterday's changes.
- 2024-05-25: Quite a big update is in store! Make sure to check and update all the variants you got.
(1) I finally found out what actually was wrong that made baby bottles not snap to kids' hands properly... and found out how to fix it, too. That means I no longer have to worry about slot placement to make baby bottles not sink into the ground when placed... and means I can finally PROPERLY place the food into mini-fridges so it doesn't stick out of the door. I have edited the main mod to include this fix, which adds a new BHAV and an extra child animation to baby bottles.
(2) As a consequence of change (1), I have gone back and edited the SupaFridge, Surfaco Mini-Fridge, Manse Mini-Fridge and "Less Is More" Mini-Fridge to place food into places where it makes more sense. I also attached a screenshot to preview how this looks in-game now.
(3) Also as a consequence of change (1), I have now made changes to the University mini-fridge to fix its slots, too. These are included in the main mod.
(4) Per the request of Sam_Verey, I have added support for another new fridge! Woo! Introducing LordCrumps' and Tvickiesims' Chow Bella Sleek Fridge from the 4t2 Home Chef Hustle Stuff conversion pack. Besides adding the child interactions, I also fixed the food slot (the plates were floating!), upped the capacity from 300 to 400, and gave it a higher Room Score to justify the price tag a little bit.
(5) I added two extra resources into the main mod (the Serve Platter Test and Interaction) to add a check for FreeTime to it. Essentially, this means there is no longer a need for separate Mac versions at all - the game will simply never show you this interaction unless you use the allMenus cheat, and even then the interaction would just cancel itself. I mainly did this to clean up the mess that is the Downloads tab. - 2024-05-21: Added two archives that include ALL the CC fridges in one, to save you some trouble if you're new to this mod! One is for FreeTime, one is for Seasons/Mac.
- 2024-05-20: Added support for two more CC fridges, again! This was requested by Segfred and Tamha.
The first is the mini-fridge from LordCrumps' 4t2 For Rent conversion pack. Like with the Surfaco Mini-Fridge, I had to apply fixes to the slots to make taking out baby bottles and drinks look okay. I also heavily reduced its price to §300 (from §950) and its capacity to 80 (from 400 - come on, its description literally suggests that!), and made it compatible with LD's Reworked Fridge Leftovers mod like I needed to do it for Targas SupaFridge.
The second is HugeLunatic's 3t2 Manse Mini-Fridge. I slightly upped its price to §400 (from §325), fixed the slots for baby bottle and drink retrieval, and gave it compatibility with LD's Reworked Fridge Leftovers mod, too.
Both mini-fridges are available in a standard and a Mac version. - 2024-03-20:
(1) Added support for two more CC fridges, as per the request of MHS0501.
The first is the fridge from simaddict99's Country Match Kitchen Add-Ons set, which I have additionally updated to include support for FT's Serve Platter interaction (originally missing).
The second is a 1t2 conversion of the Old Thyme Victual Preservatorium done by LazyDuchess and MadRayne. In addition to adding the child interactions, I also made this fridge work off-grid and not consume energy as the original fridge's description implies this (and this also justifies the hefty price tag of §2,750 a little!). I have explicit permission to modify and re-upload this and future fridges that MadRayne may convert.
I made standard and Mac versions for both, as usual.
(2) Slight edit to the Cellar Fridge. I felt it wasn't justified for this fridge to work as normal as it consumes no energy, so I made food units deplete a little quicker. - 2024-03-17:
(1) Fixed a bug with the Cellar Fridge that caused routing issues for Sims trying to get leftovers, or non-children trying to get baby bottles. Please re-download if you use it. Thanks to aelflaed for the report!
(2) Added Japanese and Thai translations to all fridges and the DIY tutorial. どうもありがとう & ขอบคุณมาก, miremie!
This means that my mod now supports TEN languages! Since this is almost the halfway mark (and an absolutely incredible accomplishment, so THANK YOU to everyone!!!), I have added the languages in the list below that are not yet supported by this mod, but are supported by the game. Perhaps one of you knows someone who could provide a translation into one of these languages? - 2024-02-26:
(1) Support for a new custom fridge is here! The In*kiri*cible Fridge was made by Simplan-x as part of a set way back in 2006, has since disappeared from the internet and doesn't seem to be on the Sims Graveyard either, so I'm glad Staylicht brought this gem for any modern kitchen to my attention. Thank you! As usual, I also added the new Seasons and FT interactions to this fridge, since the original was only updated to OfB.
(2) The same Simmer was also kind enough to provide a Swedish translation, so I went ahead and added it to all fridges. Tack så mycket, Staylicht! - 2023-11-26:
(1) Fixed a bug that was already present in LazyDuchess' original mod and left unfixed at first, where meals would vanish if you cancelled the interaction while the child was at the fridge grabbing the meal. Now, if you cancel the interaction, the Sim will look for a counter or the floor somewhere around the house to drop it on. This should normally always succeed, but I added a failsafe anyway. Please re-download!
(2) Fixed missing strings for Stock and Get Leftovers interactions in ALL languages.
(3) Added a French translation. Merci beaucoup, Nostural !
(4) Removed the unneeded FreeTime fridge resources from the Mac version of my mod to cut some unnecessary space. - 2023-11-22: Added a Hungarian translation. Nagyon szépen köszönöm, kaligi!
- 2023-11-19:
(1) Added a Polish translation. Wielkie dzięki, Meduza!
(2) Ensured compatibility with Squinge's Move Away From Fridge Before Feeding Baby by adding its functionality to: the base mod, the Mac base mod, and the Vampire Bottle compatibility patch. Meaning: teens and older will now move away from the fridge before they feed the baby they're holding. Children will still look for a place to drop the bottle nearby as before. Please re-download those if you use this mod, and then remove Squinge's mod - it won't be needed anymore.
(3) Ensured compatibility with LazyDuchess' Reworked Fridge Leftovers by adding extra functionality to the SupaFridge. Adults will use the fridge as their Leftovers mod intends, while children will run their own spoilt leftover check just for the SupaFridge now. The other fridges are not affected.
(4) Added support for the Cellar Fridge by Jasana_BugBreeder, with previous edits having been made by someone else to include getting bottles for babies and toddlers for adults, and with edits by Meduza and myself to include all the functionality of my mod. Yes, all of it - even children can get baby bottles from the cellar now. While I was at it, I also upped the cellar's price to §5,000 (from 1,500), but in exchanged upped its food capacity to 1,200 (from 300) since it's a lot larger than normal fridges. Only one version needed - Jasana put EP checks in place! - 2023-11-17: Added a compatibility patch for midgethetree's Vampire Bottle mod, which forces vampire toddlers to drink special milk. Make my patch load after both my mod and Vampire Bottle if you want to use it. The BHAV doesn't differ in Windows and Mac versions, so I will only provide one version. Thanks to THybrid21 for pointing me to the conflict.
- 2023-11-16:
(1) Emergency re-upload as I accidentally forgot to include the textures and the mesh of the Life Stories fridge, making it both invisible and useless unless you already had the LS bundle package. Sorry! Please re-download if you're affected.
While I was at it, I also reduced its ridiculous price of §9,000 to §1,950. Not sure if it was like that in LS, but it's not really justifiable in the main game.
(2) I finally figured out how to check for all custom mini-fridges at once, instead of having to edit the mod for each new mini-fridge you suggest. As such, please download the base mod and Mac base mod once more, I promise this will be the last change required for the sake of fridge compatibility.
(3) Added support for the Surfaco Mini Fridge by DeeDee. I also upped its capacity from 80 to 160 food units and fixed an issue with the food slot that I discovered while testing. See the newly uploaded image for details. Thanks to Tvickiesims for the suggestion. - 2023-11-15:
(1) Baby bottles will now cost 3 food units just like it is for adults, instead of 4 food units like meals.
(2) Added a Spanish translation. ¡Muchas gracias, bothersomecryptid!
(3) Added a tutorial so any SimPE user can make the changes to their own custom fridges if the creator's Terms do not allow me to upload them ready-to-use.
(4) Added a Russian translation. Большое спасибо, Tvickiesims!
(5) Added support for the Life Stories fridge in separate files. Thanks to Tvickiesims for the suggestion.
Blueybre presents the solution to yet another problem he encountered in live gameplay!
Not long ago, my fiancée was playing a family with two children, one toddler and one baby, when suddenly, the father died of a kitchen fire, and the mother died of starvation cause the fridge was now gone. On the same evening! This left the children - the oldest being eleven at the time - all alone at home and in need of fending for themselves. Normally, this would lead to the Social Worker coming to pick them up as orphaned kids, but I got some mods to prevent just that from happening.
I just feel like... come on, let drama happen when it happens.
This led to a new problem though. While children CAN hire nannies to take care of toddlers and babies, and butlers to make them some decent food, sometimes it doesn't feel right to get help from outside just because EAxis never considered such a scenario to happen in the first place. Be it that the household is poor, or you simply don't see fit for bringing out the "big shots".
However, if there is no butler or nanny, then:
- The most children can eat is pizza, Chinese food, and snacks. Boring!
- Toddlers have to resort to dry and yucky pet food.
- Babies can't be fed at all.
So with that, I first went to see if someone had already had the same idea as me. And it was so, indeed.

LazyDuchess allowed children to take cereal from fridges.
BoilingOil allowed children to take baby bottles from fridges.
And MidgeTheTree enabled anyone (except children) to grab baby bottles from a mini-fridge.
However, all of them have flaws, I have found:
- Mod #1 does allow children to get cereal, but that's it. It's a start, but still kinda boring and even in the notes you can find people asking for more meals for children. Plus, their mod conflicts with the game itself and with Lord Darcy's SP Objects Fix, because K&B Stuff got fixed in later EP's and any Overrides content overrides mods in Downloads, and other fridges are also missing interactions from later games, mostly FreeTime's "Serve Platter". Finally, the mod doesn't really handle edge cases very well (see the 2023-11-26 update notes).
- Mod #2 does allow children to get baby bottles, but it doesn't care about animations at all. Children that take baby bottles out will use the adult animations, which looks... floaty. Plus, it doesn't include the mini-fridge from University.
- Mod #3 does allow teens and older to get baby bottles from the mini-fridge... but it doesn't include children. Plus, Maxis never intended for Sims to get baby bottles from the mini-fridge, and as such, animations were taken from the standard-size fridge instead, making them look... borked.
And thus, I went to work and whipped this mod up, based on the groundwork of these three modders, but going beyond what they did.

My mod, once it's placed into your Downloads folder, will give children the freedom to do more food things than they can by default. And it will look as if it had always been a part of the game!

Children can now - even autonomously - get some proper meals, not just your usual crisps, cookies or juice. I had a look at all meals that are available and chose only those that are plausible to be cold foods in real life. Child Sims can't cook or prepare food, after all!
Most of the dishes I found are dessert dishes, but thankfully there's some more nutritious options available, too.
List of foods that this mod includes:
- Instant Meals
- Gelatin
- Cereal
- Lunch Meat Sandwiches
- Layer Cake
- Chef Salad
- Berry Pie (OFB required)
- Cheesecake (OFB required)

Children can now - even autonomously - help to maintain a better and yummier diet for toddlers by providing them with freshly cooled infant milk. Unlike teens and older Sims, children can't hand the bottle directly to the toddler, so they will drop it on a free space nearby instead. Toddlers can then crawl or walk to grab and drink it.

No matter whether standard or small fridge: children can always grab their meals and their baby bottles. And it will always look natural.
As an added bonus, I also went and fixed the baby bottle animations for teens and older Sims on the mini-fridge.
And finally, because it was annoying me, plates will no longer weirdly stick out of the door of mini-fridges when Sims go to take them out (see the last screenshot).

I have done extra versions for a few custom fridges, and I am open for suggestions as to which fridges to update with these new features as well. Just shoot me a comment with your favourite fridge, and based on the Terms of Use of the creator, I'll see what I can do.

If you don't know all of the listed fridges, there is a picture on this upload that shows all of them, so you can pick whichever you have the most use for!
List of supported fridge CC:
Name | Creator | Original download page | Other changes I made | Notes |
SupaFridge | Targa, edited by Lord Darcy | Link | Fixed the slots so plates won't stick out of the fridge door. Made compatible with LD's Reworked Fridge Leftovers mod | I retained both different versions that carry either 80 or 400 food units |
Coca-Cola Fridge | Maxis, edited by Lord Darcy | Link | Sims 2 Store item which was released only in Finland | |
Baroque Cuisine Preservation (Life Stories) | Maxis, edited by Argon | Link | Please make my file load after ls-buy.bundle.package if you use the bundle! | |
Surfaco Mini Fridge | DeeDee-Sims | Link | Fixed the slots so plates won't stick out of the fridge door. Increased food capacity from 80 to 160. | Takes all recolours from the Surfaco Counter (K&B Stuff). |
Cellar | Jasana_BugBreeder, further edits by Meduza | Link | All ages can grab baby bottles and leftovers, too, and won't run into routing failures. Upped price from §1,500 to §5,000, but increased food capacity from 300 to 1,200 in exchange. Food units decay quicker (as there is no permanent cooling). | Works off-grid! |
In*kiri*gible Fridge | simplan-x | N/A | Updated for Seasons and FreeTime | |
The Back Forty Fridge | simaddict99 | Link | Updated for FreeTime | Takes all recolours from the Back Forty Armoire (Seasons). |
Old Thyme Victual Preservatorium | MadRayne & LazyDuchess | Link | Will work off-grid and consume no energy. In turn, food units decay a bit quicker. | Originally from Sims 1 |
Manse Mini-Fridge | HugeLunatic | Link | Fixed the slots so plates won't stick out of the fridge door. Upped price from §325 to §400. Made compatible with LD's Reworked Fridge Leftovers mod. | Originally from Sims 3 |
"The Less Is More" Mini Fridge | LordCrumps & PlatinumAspiration | Link | Fixed the slots so plates won't stick out of the fridge door. Lowered price from §950 to §300, but decreased food capacity from 400 to 80 in exchange. Made compatible with LD's Reworked Fridge Leftovers mod. | Originally from Sims 4 For Rent |
Chow Bella Sleek Fridge | LordCrumps & Tvickiesims | Link | Fixed the slots so plates won't stick out of the fridge door. Increased food capacity from 300 to 400. Increased Room Score and Niceness Score. | Originally from Sims 4 Home Chef Hustle Stuff |
If your fridge is not included in this, don't give up hope though! If you know your way around SimPE, you can update custom fridges (but not mini-fridges) yourself! I have uploaded one file that includes the needed resources and a tutorial on how to do it.

Language | Available? | Creator |
English (US/UK) | ✅ | Me (Blueybre) |
French | ✅ | Nostural |
German | ✅ | Me (Blueybre) |
Italian | ⛔ | |
Spanish | ✅ | bothersomecryptid |
Dutch | ✅ | CT04 |
Danish | ⛔ | |
Swedish | ✅ | Staylicht |
Norwegian | ⛔ | |
Finnish | ✅ | Nonaa_ |
Russian | ✅ | Tvickiesims |
Portuguese | ✅ | logansimmingwolverine |
Japanese | ✅ | miremie |
Polish | ✅ | Meduza |
Chinese (simplified) | ⛔ | |
Chinese (traditional) | ⛔ | |
Thai | ✅ | miremie |
Korean | ⛔ | |
Czech | ✅ | SkyeWasTaken |
Hungarian | ✅ | kaligi |
Brazilian Portuguese | ⛔ |
If you know your way around SimPE and would like to translate into your own language, feel free to contribute! You shall be given due credit.
All relevant text strings are found in the TTAs "Pie Menu Strings" resources, these are used in the pie menu when you direct a child to grab a meal or a baby bottle, so you'll see these texts often. Since they are all the same, you only need to translate one and send me the exported language .txt file - I'll then add your translation to all fridges!

Depends on which parts of the mod you get, so here is a table with the overview on which version requires which EP's and SP's.
The minimum required EP's to be able to use the functions of my mod are University and Seasons.
Which mod flavour? | EPs/SPs Required | Why is that? |
KidsCanGetMoreMealsAndBottles (base mod) | University, Seasons+ | UNI has the needed mini-fridge animations; Seasons introduced "fresh food" and leftovers, so is the absolute minimum. "Serve Platter" is from FreeTime, but I added an EP check to make sure that, if you don't have FT, you won't be able to use this interaction. |
KidsCanGetMoreMealsAndBottles-OVERRIDES | Kitchen & Bath Stuff | This add-on adds the new interactions to both K&B Stuff fridges. |
COMP_KCGMMAB-midgethetree_vampirebottles | University, Nightlife | This is a compatibility patch! Vampires came with Nightlife. |
Custom Fridges All-in-One | University, Seasons+ | As a general note: any mini-fridge requires University, other fridges only require Seasons or higher. |
Fridge_Special_edited | Seasons+ | Fresh food checks and leftover interactions |
Targas_SupaFridge_edited | University, Seasons+ | Uses mini-fridge animations from UNI, and has Seasons' fresh food checks and leftover interactions |
Argon_LSFridge_edited | Seasons+ | Fresh food checks and leftover interactions |
DeeDee_KB_SurfacoMiniFridge_edited+fixed | University, Seasons+, Kitchen & Bath Stuff | Repo'd to the Surfaco Counter from K&B Stuff and cloned from UNI's mini-fridge, using its animations too. Has fresh food checks and leftover interactions. |
Jasana_CellarFridge_edited | Seasons+ | This cellar fridge uses the same "fresh food checks" as all other fridges, so that's the minimum EP you'll need, despite all EP checks it has. |
Inkiricible_Fridge_edited | Seasons+ | Fresh food checks and leftover interactions |
SA99_CountryFridgeMM_edited | Seasons | Fresh food checks and leftover interactions. Takes its textures from a Seasons armoire so this is the only fridge where you explicitly will need Seasons, a higher EP won't do! |
MadRayne_1t2OldThymeFridge_edited | Seasons+ | Fresh food checks and leftover interactions |
HL_ManseMiniFridge_edited+fixed | University, Seasons+ | Uses mini-fridge animations from UNI, and has Seasons' fresh food checks and leftover interactions |
LCPA_4t2MiniFridge_edited+fixed | University, Seasons+ | Uses mini-fridge animations from UNI, and has Seasons' fresh food checks and leftover interactions |
LCTV_4t2SleekFridge_edited+fixed | University, Seasons+ | Uses mini-fridge animations from UNI, and has Seasons' fresh food checks and leftover interactions |
Open For Business is only required if you want your child to get cheesecake and berry pies from fridges. If you don't have this EP, these interactions simply won't show up.

Resource name | Type | Group | Associated semiglobal/object | Instance | Instance (high) | Included in |
Interaction - Baby Bottle - Get | BHAV | 0x7F9A5330 | FridgeGlobals | 0x00002054 | 0x00000000 | Base mod, Vampire Bottle patch |
Interaction - Serve Platter | BHAV | 0x7F9A5330 | FridgeGlobals | 0x00002090 | 0x00000000 | Base mod |
Interaction - Serve Platter - TEST | BHAV | 0x7F9A5330 | FridgeGlobals | 0x00002091 | 0x00000000 | Base mod |
Anims - Child | STR# | 0x7FBA6191 | Baby Bottle | 0x00000082 | 0x00000000 | Base mod |
fridgeMini_cres | CRES | 0x1C0532FA | 0xFF553212 | 0x18E29DCB | Base mod | |
fridgeMiniUnderCounter_cres | CRES | 0x1C0532FA | 0xFFC86141 | 0x9DA938D5 | Base mod | |
Anims - adult | STR# | 0x7F770F95 | Fridge - Mini | 0x00000081 | 0x00000000 | Base mod |
Anims - Child | STR# | 0x7F770F95 | Fridge - Mini | 0x00000082 | 0x00000000 | Base mod |
Anims - Object | STR# | 0x7F770F95 | Fridge - Mini | 0x00000086 | 0x00000000 | Base mod |
Pie Menu Strings | TTAs | 0x7F9EEB81 | Fridge - Cheap | 0x00000080 | 0x00000000 | Base mod |
Pie Menu Strings | TTAs | 0x7F755CB1 | Fridge - Modern | 0x00000080 | 0x00000000 | Base mod |
Pie Menu Strings | TTAs | 0x7F8D909E | Fridge - Worn | 0x00000080 | 0x00000000 | Base mod |
Pie Menu Strings | TTAs | 0x7F770F95 | Fridge - Mini | 0x00000080 | 0x00000000 | Base mod |
Pie Menu Strings | TTAs | 0x7F3BFD0F | Fridge - Moderate - Stainless | 0x00000080 | 0x00000000 | Base mod |
TreeTable | TTAB | 0x7F9EEB81 | Fridge - Cheap | 0x00000080 | 0x00000000 | Base mod |
TreeTable | TTAB | 0x7F755CB1 | Fridge - Modern | 0x00000080 | 0x00000000 | Base mod |
TreeTable | TTAB | 0x7F8D909E | Fridge - Worn | 0x00000080 | 0x00000000 | Base mod |
TreeTable | TTAB | 0x7F770F95 | Fridge - Mini | 0x00000080 | 0x00000000 | Base mod |
TreeTable | TTAB | 0x7F3BFD0F | Fridge - Moderate - Stainless | 0x00000080 | 0x00000000 | Base mod |
Pie Menu Strings | TTAs | 0x7F7FECE6 | Fridge - Romantic (old) | 0x00000080 | 0x00000000 | Overrides |
Pie Menu Strings | TTAs | 0x7F365C9A | Fridge - Stylish (old) | 0x00000080 | 0x00000000 | Overrides |
Pie Menu Strings | TTAs | 0x7F4CCEC1 | Fridge - Romantic | 0x00000080 | 0x00000000 | Overrides |
Pie Menu Strings | TTAs | 0x7F11374F | Fridge - Stylish | 0x00000080 | 0x00000000 | Overrides |
TreeTable | TTAB | 0x7F7FECE6 | Fridge - Romantic (old) | 0x00000080 | 0x00000000 | Overrides |
TreeTable | TTAB | 0x7F365C9A | Fridge - Stylish (old) | 0x00000080 | 0x00000000 | Overrides |
TreeTable | TTAB | 0x7F4CCEC1 | Fridge - Romantic | 0x00000080 | 0x00000000 | Overrides |
TreeTable | TTAB | 0x7F11374F | Fridge - Stylish | 0x00000080 | 0x00000000 | Overrides |
Any custom fridge add-ons contain no overrides of the game structure, but if you have already used these fridges up to this point, you have to replace the .package files.

The base mod contains a plethora of new resources, all of which are found in the FridgeGlobals, group 0x7F9A5330:
Resource name | Type | Instance |
Interaction - Kid Cereal | BHAV | 0x000020A7 |
Interaction - Kid Sandwich | BHAV | 0x000020A8 |
Interaction - Kid Instant Meal | BHAV | 0x000020A9 |
Interaction - Kid Gelatin | BHAV | 0x000020AA |
Interaction - Kid Baby Bottle | BHAV | 0x000020AB |
Interaction - Kid Layer Cake | BHAV | 0x000020AC |
Interaction - Kid Cheesecake | BHAV | 0x000020AD |
Interaction - Kid Berry Pie | BHAV | 0x000020AE |
Interaction - Kid Salad | BHAV | 0x000020AF |
Interaction - Kid Meal - TEST | BHAV | 0x000020B0 |
Interaction - Kid Baby Bottle - TEST | BHAV | 0x000020B1 |
Bottle - Drop | BHAV | 0x000020B2 |
Test - Is SupaFridge? | BHAV | 0x000020B3 |
Interaction - Kid Meal - TEST - OFB | BHAV | 0x000020B4 |
Interaction - Kid Meal - TEST - Non-Veggie | BHAV | 0x000020B5 |
Additionally, it also adds a new resource for group 0x7FBA6191, which is the Baby Bottle object:
Resource name | Type | Instance |
CT - Set Carry | BHAV | 0x00001045 |
If any other mod also contains BHAVs with those instances, it will automatically conflict, so watch out!

Anything that also modifies the above resources will conflict with my mods.
- LazyDuchess' Children Can Get Cereal From Fridges
- BoilingOil's Children Get Bottle
- MidgeTheTree's Baby Bottles From Mini Fridges
DO NOT use this mod together with dickhurt's Baby Toddler Food and Feeding Fixes. The "moving away from fridge" part is included in my mod, and the baby bottle fetching part of my mod clashes with theirs. Please consider instead getting the high chair fixes by Nopke, which don't conflict.
Inge Jones' No Autonomy Fridges Patch technically is compatible, but it does not affect the new interactions my mod adds. Keep that in mind.
If you want to use midgethetree's Vampire Bottles with my mod, then please get the compatibility patch and make it load last. Otherwise, no more baby bottles for vampire toddlers from anyone!
- The functionality of Lord Darcy's SP Objects Fix is included in my mod. Just make sure my override loads after his override.
- Squinge's Move Away From Fridge Before Feeding Baby is included in my mod, so you can remove it safely.
- Food/Fridge/Leftovers-related mods that I can confirm to be safe to use alongside my mod:
- Nopke's Food Already Available Fix and all other mods on the same page, too
- dizzy's leftover-hack2
- MogHughson's Simply Leftovers
- simler90's Fridge Play Fix
- BoilingOil's Food Dish Autonomy
- whoward69's Autonomously Eat Leftovers
- whoward69's Closest Fridge For Leftovers Fix
- LazyDuchess' Reworked Fridge Leftovers

- All meals have only the base quality. Layer Cake, for example, restores 63 Hunger to a child. If it was baked properly, it would also possess an additional "bonus quality", which is added if a food is cooked and doesn't burn or spoil, and a "good quality" which depends on the way the food is cooked (baking, simmering, flambé...) and is also only added if not burnt or spoiled. Thus, the Layer Cake portions straight from the fridge are "smaller" than they would be if freshly baked, where they would instead restore 63 + 3 + 25 = 91 Hunger.
- Each meal costs 4 food units, and each baby bottle costs 3 food units. This is the standard "food unit" price that other meals in the game have, too. If not enough are available, then fresh food units are subtracted instead. If the fridge is empty, then the interaction won't be available.
- The new child interactions - both for meals and baby bottles - only show up if the fridge has enough food units available.
In an otherwise unmodded game, children can't order groceries, but mods such as Monique's Hacked Computer - which I personally would consider an essential mod to have - do allow an express delivery of groceries, and children can put away groceries by themselves, so I decided to leave this behaviour as-is. - Children who have the Vegetarian trait (from the Traits Project) will not autonomously grab Lunch Meat Sandwiches, Gelatin or Chef Salads. You can still direct them to do so, however.

Maxis and EA for creating Sims 2 in the first place
The Creators of SimPE, and whoward69 for further facilitating its usage with his Instruction Wizards
My fiancée for being so patient with me while I pulled night shifts to get this mod working...

LazyDuchess for their "Children Can Get Cereal From Fridge" mod - finding it was the occasion that made me get started
BoilingOil for his groundwork to enable children to get baby bottles from fridges
MidgeTheTree for their groundwork to enable getting baby bottles from mini-fridges
bothersomecryptid for the Spanish translation
Tvickiesims for the Russian translation
Meduza for the Polish translation
kaligi for the Hungarian translation
Nostural for the French translation and some help in debugging the mod
Staylicht for the Swedish translation
miremie for the Japanese and Thai translations
SkyeWasTaken for the Czech translation
logansimmingwolvering for the Portuguese translation
CT04 for the Dutch translation
Nonaa_ for the Finnish translation

Using LD's coding work is permitted as per their Terms of Use.
Using BO's coding work is permitted as per his Terms of Use.
Using Targa and Lord Darcy's coding work is permitted as per their Terms of Use, available on their MTS profile pages.
I could not locate Terms of Use for MidgeTheTree, but I assume their work to be fair use because their work got used in CC before.
DeeDee allowed usage and editing of her mesh and textures for the Mini Fridge as per her Terms of Use.
I assume Jasana_Bugbreeder would be fine with extra functionality for their cellar fridge, based on their Terms of Use here on MTS.
The fridge by simplan-x is only here because it can be considered abandonware, due to the creator's website being offline.
simaddict99 has no Terms of Use I could find, but considering as they're inactive and TSR no longer allows new Sims 2 uploads, I think it should be fair game.
MadRayne, HugeLunatic and LordCrumps all gave me explicit permission to modify and re-upload their fridge conversions.
Have fun and happy Simming!
~ Blueybre
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
LimeyYoshi_KidsCanGetMoreMealsAndBottles.package | package | 325033 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
zzLimeyYoshi_KidsCanGetMoreMealsAndBottles-OVERRIDES.package | package | 225650 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
zLimeyYoshi-COMP_KCGMMAB-midgethetree_vampirebottle.package | package | 1876 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Custom Fridges | zip | |
1t2_OldThymeRefrigerator_MadRayne.package | package | 663231 |
Argon_ExtractedLSFridge.package | package | 335744 |
DeeDee_KB_SurfacoMiniFridge.package | package | 104193 |
Fridge_Special.package | package | 243457 |
HL_MiniFridgeFT.package | package | 397098 |
LCPA_TheLessIsMoreMiniFridge.package | package | 1118415 |
LCTV_ChowBellaSleekFridge_MESH.package | package | 496154 |
OBJ_Jasana_fridgeRobinson.package | package | 938699 |
SA99-SeasonMatchCountryFridgeMESH.package | package | 142658 |
spx-hita-fridge1-mesh.package | package | 318536 |
Targas_SupaFridge-LargerCapacity.package | package | 95057 |
Targas_SupaFridge.package | package | 95034 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Fridge_Special.package | package | 243457 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Targas_SupaFridge-LargerCapacity.package | package | 95057 |
Targas_SupaFridge.package | package | 95034 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Argon_ExtractedLSFridge.package | package | 335744 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
DeeDee_KB_SurfacoMiniFridge.package | package | 104193 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
OBJ_Jasana_fridgeRobinson.package | package | 938699 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
spx-hita-fridge1-mesh.package | package | 318536 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
SA99-SeasonMatchCountryFridgeMESH.package | package | 142658 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
1t2_OldThymeRefrigerator_MadRayne.package | package | 663231 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
HL_MiniFridgeFT.package | package | 397098 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
LCPA_TheLessIsMoreMiniFridge.package | package | 1118415 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
LCTV_ChowBellaSleekFridge_MESH.package | package | 496154 |
Filename | Type | Size |
How To - More Kids Rights For CUSTOM | zip | |
How To - More Fridge Rights For Kids.txt | txt | 2655 |
54544142-00000000-FFFFFFFF-00000080.simpe | simpe | 7611 |
54544142-00000000-FFFFFFFF-00000080.simpe.xml | xml | 342 |
54544173-00000000-FFFFFFFF-00000080.simpe | simpe | 36758 |
54544173-00000000-FFFFFFFF-00000080.simpe.xml | xml | 342 |
The following custom content is included in the downloadable files:
- Fridge - Special (Coca-Cola Fridge) by Maxis (edited by Lord Darcy)
- SupaFridge by Targa (edited by Lord Darcy)
- Reward - Fridge - Stainless (Life Stories Fridge) by Maxis (edited by Argon)
- Fridge - Surfaco Mini by deedee-sims
- Fridge - Cellar Robinson by Jasana_BugBreeder
- In*kiri*gible Fridge by simplan-x
- Country Match Fridge by simaddict99
- 1t2 Old Thyme Fridge by MadRayne & LazyDuchess
- 3t2 Manse Mini-Fridge by HugeLunatic
- 4t2 Less Is More Mini-Fridge by LordCrumps & PlatinumAspiration
- 4t2 Chow Bella Sleek Fridge by LordCrumps & Tvickiesims
Note from the Creator:
If you have midgethetree's Vampire Bottles mod, you will need my compatibility patch at the bottom of the list. It needs to load after both my mod and Midge's.
Custom installation instructions! READ ME!
In addition to the normal installation instructions, this download also has a custom instruction, as follows:
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place only the OVERRIDES file into the Overrides folder of your latest EP, so either:
X:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9\TSData\Res\Overrides, or
X:\Program Files (x86)\EA Games\The Sims 2 Legacy\EP9\TSData\Res\Overrides, or
X:\Program Files (x86)\EA Games\The Sims 2 Mansion & Garden Stuff\TSData\Res\Overrides, or
X:\Program Files (x86)\EA Games\The Sims 2 Apartment Life\TSData\Res\Overrides, or
X:\Program Files (x86)\EA Games\The Sims 2 FreeTime\TSData\Res\Overrides.
Any other file has to be sorted into Downloads.
Need more information?
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
| This is the base mod containing all the extra semi-globals as well as the slot fixes for the University mini-fridge.
Uploaded: 27th Oct 2024, 45.9 KB.
| This contains the needed changes to the two fridges from K&B Stuff - place in Overrides
Uploaded: 27th Oct 2024, 31.9 KB.
| Compatibility patch for the Vampire Bottles mod. Requires Nightlife in addition to the other requirements. You won't need this if you don't have the Vampire Bottles mod!
Uploaded: 19th Nov 2023, 946 Bytes.
Custom Fridges
| A combined package of all custom fridges!
Uploaded: 27th Oct 2024, 3.37 MB.
| This has the Coca-Cola Fridge from the Sims 2 Store with my changes included in it.
Uploaded: 27th Oct 2024, 172.1 KB.
| This has Targa's SupaFridge with my changes included in it.
Uploaded: 27th Oct 2024, 69.7 KB.
| This is the fridge from Life Stories, extracted by Argon and with my changes included in it.
Uploaded: 27th Oct 2024, 108.8 KB.
| This is DeeDee's Surfaco Mini-Fridge, fixed and edited by me and with all the new child interactions included. Requires K&B Stuff!
Uploaded: 27th Oct 2024, 27.5 KB.
| This is Jasana's Cellar Fridge, fixed and edited by me and various other modders to include child and baby bottle functionality.
Uploaded: 27th Oct 2024, 677.5 KB.
| This is simplan-x' Inkiricible Fridge with my changes included in it, and updated for Seasons and Freetime.
Uploaded: 27th Oct 2024, 237.1 KB.
| This is simaddict99's Country Match Fridge with my changes included in it, and updated to FreeTime. Requires Seasons!
Uploaded: 27th Oct 2024, 43.4 KB.
| This is MadRayne's 1t2 conversion of the Old Thyme Fridge with my changes included and off-grid functionality added to it.
Uploaded: 27th Oct 2024, 541.4 KB.
| This is HugeLunatic's 3t2 conversion of the Manse Mini-Fridge with my changes included and fixed by me, too.
Uploaded: 27th Oct 2024, 298.8 KB.
| This is LordCrumps' and PlatinumAspiration's 4t2 conversion of the "The Less Is More" Mini-Fridge with my changes included and fixed by me, too.
Uploaded: 27th Oct 2024, 891.0 KB.
| This is LordCrumps' and Tvickiesims' 4t2 conversion of the Chow Bella Sleek Fridge with my changes included and fixed by me, too.
Uploaded: 27th Oct 2024, 387.2 KB.
How To - More Kids Rights For CUSTOM
| A tutorial for SimPE users on how to edit fridges yourself, in case I can't upload them here. Will be updated whenever new translations are available.
Uploaded: 27th Oct 2024, 10.2 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place only the OVERRIDES file into the Overrides folder of your latest EP, so either:
X:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9\TSData\Res\Overrides, or
X:\Program Files (x86)\EA Games\The Sims 2 Legacy\EP9\TSData\Res\Overrides, or
X:\Program Files (x86)\EA Games\The Sims 2 Mansion & Garden Stuff\TSData\Res\Overrides, or
X:\Program Files (x86)\EA Games\The Sims 2 Apartment Life\TSData\Res\Overrides, or
X:\Program Files (x86)\EA Games\The Sims 2 FreeTime\TSData\Res\Overrides.
Any other file has to be sorted into Downloads.
Need more information?
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
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Updated: 5th Feb 2025 at 6:28 PM
#fridge, #supafridge, #children, #child, #kids, #toddlers, #baby bottle, #food, #meals
by christianlov 14th Jun 2008 at 5:24am
82 216k 230
by christianlov 19th Jul 2008 at 3:08am
35 105.2k 109
by kestrellyn updated 20th Nov 2021 at 6:31pm
20 6.1k 28
Espresso Machine and Barista Improvements
by jonasn updated 24th Feb 2025 at 3:31am
+1 packs
Open for Business
by Nullsuke updated 28th Feb 2025 at 12:57pm
8 2.4k 8
Better Disease Notifications! [Translators Wanted!]
by Blueybre updated 25th Aug 2024 at 3:02pm
39 12.6k 37
Bust Out of Bustin' Out! - Video Game Counter Rack Fix
by Blueybre updated 25th Jan 2024 at 8:07pm
In my seemingly never-ending series of annoyance fixes for Sims 2, here is another entry by yours truly! While I think more...
6 5.8k 28
More Dangerous Burglars & Enhanced Car Alarms!
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Purchase Sims 3 and Urbz from Racks - No Humble
by Blueybre updated 25th Jan 2024 at 8:02pm
+1 packs
Free Time
Scissors Clippers - Get Coupons from Newspapers
by Blueybre updated 17th Aug 2024 at 7:51pm
+2 packs
Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | University |
![]() | Seasons |
About Me
I'm Blueybre, that chaos-loving 'bre. Call me Koko or Bluey. I make mods for Sims 2, my favourite Sims game.
As my title suggests, I like wreaking havoc... but I also like providing useful bug fixes, features or new mechanics.
I make sure my mods can be enjoyed by as many players as possible, so I strive to make my mods as compatible with different game setups as I can. Mac players want to enjoy mods, too!
I love the language diversity we have in the world and so am always looking for human translators to provide translations to languages other than English.
I have been a childhood Sims 1 player but did not get to enjoy the newer games until my fiancée sparked my interest again. Starting with Sims 3, followed by 4, then 2. Nowadays, I choose to only play Sims 2 (and also Sims 3), because they're the zenith of the series in my Humble opinion. (...Get it? Humble? Rod? Haha...)
I prefer building houses over actually playing, and I have made my own custom world on Sims 3. Maybe I'll publish some of my Sims 3 works at some point...
My Sims 3 traits would be: Clumsy, Eco-Friendly, Frugal, Loner, Night Owl. (And a hidden Pyromaniac. Hehe.)
My pronouns are he/him, but to be fair I don't mind what you use to address me.
I am a little obsessed with the British way of spelling words.
I am an Aspie, diagnosed at the age of five, so I may show strange behaviour at times, and used to often jump at people with like-minded interests (such as a certain profile picture) to try and socialise with. I have this under better control now, but it is how I met my fiancée, back in 2012 on YouTube. Engaged since 26/07/2019. :luff:
Besides Sims, I also like Pokémon (duh), Palworld, Yoshi, and Genshin Impact! (Nilou best girl~ :3)