Star Trek: The Original Series uniforms for your oldschool Sims

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I have lost count of how many requests I've got for this. It's been a long time coming, but now I finally bring you: Star Trek: TOS duty uniforms!

The uniforms are for YA/adult and elder and categorised as everyday and formal, and as outerwear if you have Seasons. The exception is the short-sleeved medical tunic for males, which is categorised as everyday only.

Female elders have their own mesh, but adult and elder males use the same one, just so you don't think I forgot to upload the elder males. Also, just for the record, the female meshes have an alpha layer - that's where the insignia on the Chapel version resides.

There will be rank insignia as well eventually, but they're not finished yet. Watch this space, as they say.

Image Credits:
Male Sims:
All Maxis, except for the Vulcan skin which is a Rensim blend by me

Female Sims:
- Makeup by Bruno and WhiteWaterWood
- Dark skin by Rensim, light skin Rensim blend by me
- Hair on Command Sim by Helga, recol by Dustfinger@MTS; hair on Ops Sim by XMSims, recol by sabriel5000@MTS; hair on Science Sim by Nouk, recol by icedmango@MTS; hair on Chapel Sim by Rose, recol by Dollify@MTS - all free

Polygon Counts:
MESH_nixnivis_aftosuniform.package: 2123 polys, 1976 vertices
MESH_nixnivis_eftosuniform.package: 2123/1976
MESH_nixnivis_amsttosuniform.package: 1932/1636
MESH_nixnivis_amsttosuniform-shortsleeve.package: 1918/1610

Additional Credits:
- Tig and HP, my meshing mentors
- Wes H for the Unimesh plugins
- Quaxi and all the other SimPE developers
- The Milkshape team

Happy Simming, and don't forget to hit the "thanks" button on your way out!
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