Stop turning on the stereo at night!

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Do you let your Sims have stereos, and throw parties or play apartments on a regular basis? Then I bet you are just as frustrated as I am with their habit of turning the stereo on at all times of day, ignoring the fact that they might have to deal with complaining neighbours or the police shutting down the party. I decided it was time to take action and overrule my Sims desire to blast music all through the night.

What is this?
This is a global mod that disables autonomous use of the turn on interaction on stereos between 9pm and 9am. You can still direct your Sims to turn on the stereo if you want to, but they can't turn it on by themselves. It does not turn off the stereo if it was already on, though, it only prevents them from turning it on if it's turned off.

This is intended to make life easier in situations where noise causes problems. For example Sims who live in one room apartments/houses or have a stereo in their bedroom and will be unable to sleep if the stereo is on. Or preventing Sims from turning on the stereo at a party after hours, causing the police to come and shut it down. You will be in full control of the stereo during night time.

Should affect CC stereos as well.

Compatible with all EPs/SPs. Comes in three versions, which one you should use depends on what your latest game is. To see when different EPs/SPs were released, see this Wiki-article.

Is your latest game base game, Uni, NL, OFB, Pets, Seasons, BV or any stuff pack besides M&G?
-> Use GummiluttNoAutonomousStereoOn9pm-9amBG-BV

Is your latest game Freetime?
-> Use GummiluttNoAutonomousStereoOn9pm-9amFT

Is your latest game AL or M&G?
-> Use GummiluttNoAutonomousStereoOn9pm-9amAL-MG

Conflicts with christianlov's no autonomous stereo.

May conflict with mods that affect stereo autonomy. If you are uncertain if a mod conflicts, or you find a conflict, let me know in the comments and I'll look into it.

A huge big thank you to maybesomethingdunno who helped me figure out the problem when this mod was throwing me for a loop. I really appreciate it

Dedicated to my Sim Alicia, who loves her stereo so much she'll play tug-of-war with me, turning the stereo back on right after being instructed to turn it off. Never mind that she lives in a loft that only has one room and can't sleep with the stereo on. Maybe now you'll finally get some sleep, Alicia.
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