Less Apparition (Updated 30/08/21)

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Update 1.2 30/08/21: Tiny update that fixes a silly oversight I made with the Trait version of the bug hunt mod that would cause errors. That's the only file that's changed - it is labelled as version '1.2'.
Still working on requested features

Important: It is vital that you do not delete these items using the in-game delete button. Doing so will damage your installation. Whenever you want to remove these items, simply delete them from your Downloads folder. You can also install the mod in your Bins folder, which will disable the 'delete from object catalogue' option.

So, What Is This Mod, Exactly?
Put shortly, this mod alters the conditions which allow a number of in-game interactions to appear. For example, your Sim now needs a shovel in their inventory to dig for treasure, or a pair of binoculars in their inventory to birdwatch, etc.

In other words, the objects that come with these mods are essentially buyable tokens that you put in your Sims inventory: If you Sim doesn't have the correct 'token', they cannot do the interaction.

Note that that is where the mod begins and ends - the items are not removed from the Sim's inventory when they begin the interaction and returned when they finished. My reasons for not doing this is that (a) not modifying the functions themselves reduces the likelyhood of conflict, and (b) the current implementation achieves what I had intended it to - provide a means of controlling which Sims can do which interactions.

What I outlined above is the majority in how the interactions were changed, that is, Sims require the requisite object to perform the interaction. Some interactions have had their conditions altered in other ways. If conditions are not fulfilled, the interaction will not show up in a Sim's pie menu, and Sims will not perform the actions autonomously.

The list of interactions changed and how the mods alter them are as follows:
• Play Catch (Play.../)
The initiating Sim now needs a baseball in their inventory for the interaction to be available.
• Toss Football (Play.../)
The initiating Sim now needs a football in their inventory for the interaction to be available.
• Play Kicky Bag (Play.../)
The initiating Sim now needs a kicky bag in their inventory for the interaction to be available.
• Pillow Fight (Play.../)
The target Sim needs to be indoors, and inside of a room which contains either a bed or a sofa.
• Water Balloon Fight (Play.../)
There needs to be at least one sink or bathtub on the lot.

• Primp (Self Interaction)
The initiating Sim now needs a hand mirror in their inventory for the interaction to be available. Does not apply to Diva NPCs, who can Primp as part of their behaviour.
• Juggle (Self Interaction)
No code change - the interaction name was just changed so it is now under a Sim's Entertain.../ menu. This will not work for non-English games.
• Jump Rope (Self Interaction)
The initiating Sim now needs a jump rope in their inventory for the interaction to be available.
• Entertain.../Freestyle and Freestyle For Tips (Self Interaction)
The initiating Sim now needs at least one Creativity Skill Point to Freestyle, and at least three to Freestyle for tips. In addition, the initiating Sim may not have less than 3.85 Playful points or less than 5 Outgoing points. You cannot edit these values by BCON unfortunately - if you want different values, you will have to edit the BHAVs themselves.

• Birdwatch (Ground Interaction)
The initiating Sim now needs a pair of binoculars in their inventory for the interaction to be available.
• Hunt Bugs and Catch Butterflies/Fireflies (Ground Interaction)
The initiating Sim now needs a buyable bug jar in their inventory for the interaction to be available.
• Dig For Treasure (Ground Interaction)
The initiating Sim now needs a shovel in their inventory for the interaction to be available.

How do I install it?
All components of this mod are modular, meaning that you can have any combination of all of the the package files that you wish. The archives contain the following:
• BartekStu-JugglingIsEntertainMenu-EnglishGamesOnly: This mod will put the 'Juggle' self-interaction very Playful Sims have into their 'Entertain.../' menu. This will only work for English installations unless you edit the text yourself.
• BartekStu-ObjectRequirementsForHobbies-aka-LessApparition: This archive contains all of the mods that give object requirements to interactions. You may pick and choose them as you please, or dump them all in your Downloads or Bin folder. Notice the nomenclature - each interaction mod is baked into the object it requires for itself - for instance, "bstu-Baseball+PlayCatch-LA" will cause Play Catch to be unavailable to Sims who do not have the baseball in their inventories. To reiterate: Do not delete these using the in-game delete cc button.
• BartekStu-PillowFightIndoorsWithBedsOrCouches: The Pillow Fight mod, with changes as outlined above.
• BartekStu-RapNeedsSkillpoint+PlayfulandOutgoingness: The Freestyle mod, with changes as outlined above.
• BartekStu-WaterBalloonFightsNeedFaucets: The Water Balloon Fight mod, with changes as outlined above.
To uninstall any of the mods, simply remove them from your Downloads/Bins folder.

Hack Conflicts/Compatibility
My pillow fight mod will conflict with Simler90's Party Mod, specifically BHAV 22A0. Use only one in your game - if you're using their Party Mod, you're better off keeping theirs as they also have a similar sanity check as mine with an added feature where teens at slumber parties are more drawn to it.

Shovel for Dig for Treasure:
Pescado's Vacation Fixes: Resolvable - If you prefer my modification of the Dig interaction keep both and have mine load after Pescado's. The change in Pescado's interaction appears to be that Sims can dig indoors even if there is deep snow outdoors. I'm not interested in adding this to my version, since my Sims never dig indoors.
Cyjon's No Visitor Chores: Resolvable - have my mod load after Cyjon's to keep the functionality of both. Cyjon's rules for determining who can autonomously fill in holes have been ported over.

Binoculars for Bird Watching:
Traits Project - No Birdwatch For Hate Outdoors: Incompatible - if you want your Sims who Hate The Outdoors to behave as in DeeDee's mod, check out version in the zip file labelled 'HatesNatureTrait'!
Nopke's Sensible Birdwatching: Resolvable, if you use the compatible version Nopke has created. You need to ensure that the Nopke's version loads after the binoculars.

Bug Jar for Catching Bugs:
Traits Project - No Bug Hunt For Hate Outdoors: Incompatible - if you want your Sims who Hate The Outdoors to behave as in DeeDee's mod, check out version in the zip file labelled 'HatesNatureTrait'!
Nopke's Insect Sanity: Resolvable, if you use the compatible version Nopke has created. You need to ensure that the Nopke's version loads after the bug jar.

In addition to the above these mods will most certainly not play nice with any innumerable 'sanity'-flavoured hacks that also alter the TEST functions of these interactions. The Juggle mod should not conflict with anything, really.

Regarding the Juggle mod, assume it requires AL or higher.

As for compatibility - you basically need whatever expansion pack the feature you're modding came with, plus any expansion higher than Pets. If you don't have it, you won't be able to use the interaction anyway so it's pointless. The EP requirements per .package are as follows:



Seasons (and/or Freetime - both have bug mechanics, [and buggy mechanics. lol.])
Seasons only

Bon Voyage


Apartment Life

The archive section below doesn't seem to recognize it, but you find the shovel in the Build Mode/Gardening section of the Catalogue.

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