Painting autonomy changes

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Time for part 4 of Fishmas gifts-series. Fishmas is an event over at Leefish. During Fishmas Santafish shares mystery gifts from mystery fish, so that each day leading up to ChristFishmas has a fun Sim-surprise. Some of those mystery gifts came from my workshop, and I decided to share some of them here as well for those of you who might have missed Fishmas (gifts are still available and they are great, so go check them out!)

This is a continuation of my music autonomy overhaul mod, the painting edition. While I certainly think anyone can and should paint if they feel like it, I'd prefer it if my painter Sims family members left their easels alone. Otherwise I end up finding half-finished paintings on every easel and I have to direct a Sim to get rid of it before I can direct my painter to paint. Annoying! I decided that I wanted a fix.

If you already downloaded this as part of Fishmas, I recommend you re-download and replace the files as I made some small fixes to both the object and the code. The older version works, but this one is more streamlined and the object has a new recolor.

What is this?
This is a global mod that modifies autonomy on residential lots. It will only affect residential lots. With this mod visitors can no longer practice painting when visiting your Sims. In addition Sims can sign up for the painting pass club by acquiring the painting pass pass. Stick the painting pass pass in your Sims inventory, and they will refrain from painting autonomously while on residential lots. You can still direct them to paint, and they will paint autonomously on community lots, but they won't do so autonomously at home. That way you can keep the easels for the painter in the family, if you want to.

Painting pass pass object can be found in general/misc, and costs 0 simoleons.

Whether or not affects custom easels depends on how the easels were made. If the custom one uses maxis code for the interactions, the mod will affect them, if they don't it won't affect it.

Compatible with all EPs/SPs. Which version you should use depends on what your latest expansion pack is.

If you have basegame, nightlife, university, open for business, pets, seasons, bon voyage or the mac bundle, use BG-BV version.
If you have freetime, apartment life, mansions & gardens or ultimate collection, use FT-MG version.

Conflicts with Pescado's ftminifixes. I am unsure why as the RTFM does not mention any painting changes for ftminifixes, but for some reason his mod includes all painting interactions. If you would like to have his changes for other things, you can load my mod after his to make my changes apply to practice painting, and his changes apply to everything else. This will mean whatever changes he made to practice painting are ignored, but since I don't know what they are that's all I can say. Everything else in his mod will remain unaffected by my mod.

No other conflicts that I know of. Will conflict with mods affecting the guardian of practice painting interaction.

The wonderful human being that is Michelle. Long ago she created the card mesh for another project of mine, and she's been kind enough to let me use it for my autonomy changes mods. If you'd like to get the original object and Michelles many cool recolors, see her Bank of Sims Credit Card-upload.

Leefish and Santafish for hosting Fishmas. I've had this creation lying around for a long time and Fishmas finally gave me the kick in the butt to get it ready for upload. If you haven't checked out the gifts from Fishmas I suggest you do so as there were lots of fun creations. If you are interested in my contributions you'll find them on day 9, 12, 23 and 25 part 4. You'll also find day 9 gift, part of day 23 gift and Fishmas Day - Part 4 gift here on MTS.

The creators of the CC you can see in the background of the thumbnail.

If you'd like to use the card object for a creation of your own, I ask you to go see Michelle's upload. It's her creation, not mine

If you'd like to use my code as base for something else, see my general policy.

Update Log
2017-06-08 When looking in to the conflict with Pescado's mod I realized I had forgotten to change the name of BHAV back to it's original state after I finished this project. The name does not affect anything, it's purely aesthetic, so there's no need to re-download. But since I happened to see it I decided to fix it.
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