Volcano Island - Multilevel neighborhood map
VolcanoIslandLush.jpg - width=1280 height=960
VolcanoIsland lush
VolcanoIslandDesert.jpg - width=1280 height=960
VolcanoIsland desert
VolcanoIslandConcrete.jpg - width=1280 height=960
VolcanoIsland concrete
VolcanoIslandDirt.jpg - width=1280 height=960
VolcanoIsland dirt
VolcanoIsland.jpg - width=1280 height=960
VolcanoIsland zoom
VolcanoIslandPeninsula.jpg - width=1280 height=960
VolcanoIsland península
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VolcanoIsland lake
VolcanoIslandVc.jpg - width=1280 height=960
What secrets and characteristics does this volcano island hide?
This island has an interesting geography that makes it special. In the first place, by dealing with an island you can create an exotic destination with the giant volcano it has and you can also place the lots that you want around it.

why is it called multilevel ? While it is true that neighborhood maps have slopes, unevenness, and flats, this map also has levels in the sea, usually when creating beach plots the sea is quite deep.
Like the Sims 2, Simcity also has quite a few cheats and crafting tools.
In the northern part of the map, which is where the large volcano is, the sea is shallower and you will not see beach lots with a lot of water.

In this map you can create beach lots in 85% of the aquatic area.
Another characteristic to keep in mind is that it has several plateaus and these are flat, which facilitates the creation of plots with flat edges, except for what is close to slopes.
high and low sloping beach lots can be created in the lagoon near the bridge.
don't forget to install a camera mod to use this template in all its dimension and enjoy it.
I use Tom Duhamel camera mod.
This template doesn't include any decorations.

Additional Credits:
Simcity 4 Deluxe Edition
The Sims 2
X264 Mpeg 4 video codec
| VolcanoIsland neighborhood map
Uploaded: 13th Sep 2020, 1.39 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in SC4Terrains Folder: Cut and paste the .sc4 and .png file(s) into your SC4Terrains folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64:
/Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
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About Me
I love creating houses for the sims no CC and sharing neighborhood templates for the game.
I have kept in mind those players from the base game and have even uploaded lots for this and higher.
I try to respond to comments as much as possible, which I generally consider valuable.
My creative theme is simple, small to medium, uncomplicated, versatile and beach atmosphere.
Enjoy my content