Modulin Set - Part 9 - High-End Apartments (3 units)
This lot has three apartments with rents ranging from §1,749 to §2,129.
So not that high-end huh. I wanted to do modern luxury and it started okay with the right side of the build, but then before I knew it I was using Monsieur_Oshima’s lovely formica set and that was the end of those plans.
You can choose between two versions of this lot. The only difference between them is that one uses Numeror’s “no cutaway” wall while the other only has Maxis walls. As its name suggests, the no cutaway wall doesn’t go down in cutaway view (though it does if you play with the walls fully down, in which case you might as well go with Maxis walls). I used it for the two walls separating the left-side apartments, the pictures show exactly where. I just think it looks better that way when you can see the wall art and when mutske’s shelves don’t appear to just be floating above the beds. Since you won’t ever be playing the two apartments at the same time, the walls being up between them doesn’t impact gameplay at all.
If you pick the version with Numeror’s wall, you’ll have to get said wall here if you don’t already have it.
Whether you choose one version or the other, you need to download both and (+ the non-included CC listed below) for the lot to appear complete in your game. Numeror’s wall isn’t included in either “HighEndApartment_RequiredCC” archives.
The front left apartment was built for a couple and their baby/toddler (2br, 2bath).
The back left apartment can house a couple and a child/teen (2br, 1bath).
The right-side apartment can accommodate up to two sims (1br, 1bath). (If you’re looking for inspiration though, I actually had a more specific resident in mind for that one: a female fortune/romance adult sim who is all about working hard but also enjoys entertaining guests in her home, sometimes friends and colleagues, sometimes romantic interests. She loves her job and her independence and doesn’t have plans to build a family anytime soon.)
These apartments are fully furnished but the game won’t let you rent them furnished beyond the bare necessities by default. To rent an apartment fully furnished, there are two options that I know of:
-once your household is on the lot, activate testingcheats and shift+click on the door of the apartment you want. You should have the option to “rent furnished”;
-or you can download Pescado’s apartment hack, which will give you that option without the need for testingcheats, on top of other features and fixes.
Please let me know if you encounter any issues. Here is the full CC list:
Non-included CC
Downloads preceded by M are also required for the Minimart (part 1)
Downloads preceded by F are also required for the Flower Shop (part 2)
Downloads preceded by T are also required for the Toy Store (part 3)
Downloads preceded by B are also required for the Bridal Shop (part 4)
Downloads preceded by H are also required for the Home (part 5)
Downloads preceded by P are also required for the Playground (part 6)
Downloads preceded by C are also required for the Corner Apartments (part 7)
Downloads preceded by I are also required for the Fishing Spot (part 8)
Downloads preceded by ∞ are required for all lots from the Modulin set.
This means that if you’ve already downloaded another lot from the set, you can disregard the files marked with the letter corresponding to that lot, since you should already have them in your game.
-FT Out of the Box Chair CEP extras here: included in Shasta’s sfs/mediafire download, you need:
THHA_CEP_FTOutoftheBoxChair_Documents (put into \Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\zCEP-EXTRA)
THHA_CEP_FTOutoftheBoxChair_ProgramFiles (put into C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Catalog\zCEP-EXTRA).
-BG Suspense painting CEP extras here. Scroll down until you find the list of links titled DOWNLOAD CEPS. In the Base Game folder, you need:
HA_CEP_Extra_BG_Suspense_Documents (put into \Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\zCEP-EXTRA)
HA_CEP_Extra_BG_Suspense_ProgramFiles (put into C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Catalog\zCEP-EXTRA).
-PETS Stumped Hound painting CEP extras on the same page as above. In the PETS folder, you need:
CHA_CEP_Extra_PETS_StumpedHound_Documents (put into \Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\zCEP-EXTRA)
CHA_CEP_Extra_PETS_StumpedHound_ProgramFiles (put into C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Catalog\zCEP-EXTRA).
Inge Jones
C"Is Chair a Booth" / "Is Sofa a Sectional" global patches: you need the sofa patch “SharedIsSofaASectionalGlobal” for blake_boy’s modular sofa to work (the sofa itself is included CC, I used it in the right-side apartment).
-BC2 Box Stack Mesh
-BC2 Box Stack BlueFlowers recolor
-BHC3 Box Stack Mesh.
-3 Box Stack BlueFlowers recolor
Living Dead Girl on TSR
-Metro Computer Corner - Computer Speakers Mesh
-HMetro Computer Corner - Deco Subwoofer Mesh
Ms Barrows on TSR
-∞Eloquence Single Glass-Ornate Door Straight
(Non required diagonal version here)
-TFBEloquence Double Glass-Ornate Door Straight
(Non required diagonal version here)
-MPCIEloquence Single Short Ornate Window
(Non-required diagonal version here)
-MFPCIEloquence Double Short Ornate Window
(Non required diagonal version here)
-TBHCEloquence Single Tall Ornate Window Straight
(Non required diagonal version here)
-Eloquence Single Solid-Plain Door Straight
(Non required version here)
-Eloquence Double Solid-Plain Door Straight
(Non required version here)
-MHEloquence Set Recolor - Steel
-HVictorian Indoor Railing - Worn White
-HVictorian Porch Railing - Worn White
-HVictorian Fence-Matching Stair - Worn White
Important: There are custom instructions to install these stairs, you can find them on this page, under the “Required” tab (the stairs used in this build only require you to copy-paste the first paragraph, starting with “#msb_vicporch_wornwhite_modularstair”).
-HVictorian Spiral Stairs - Worn White MESH
-HVictorian Spiral Stairs - Mirrored MESH
-For the calendar in the kitchen of the front left apartment:
MTHCMulti-Use Photo Frame - Square (Medium) MESH
MTHCPhoto Frame Calendars - Square Master Mesh
Photo Frame Calendars - Recolour Green and Grey
MU Photo Recolours - Monet - Poplars on the Epte
Mutske on TSR
-Cheap Bookcase Add-ons: you need Tall_05, Tall_06, Tall_07, Tall_08 and Tall_Door_08
-Maxis Decoration Add-ons: you need Decoration_Painting_01, Decoration_Painting_02, Working_Books_Base_10, Working_Books_Base_12, Working_Books_Base_13.
Padre on TSR
Oakley coatstand: you need the mesh + the green and pink recolors.
Included CC
13pumpkins - BB Craftsman Recolors: RC dining chair blonde wood; Transcendence painting RC Vintage1
Adele - Odette build set: cut wood floor in grey, sectioned wood floor in slate
Ailias - Edge Smoothers Set: white
Amovitam - Clutter volume 6: shelfgen mesh
Artemida - Decorative House Armoire & Touch of Teak Tansu Dresser: tansu dresser recolor 15-gypsyRose
Bienchen - AL-matching roof windows: roof window 1
Bienchen - Sophie Bathroom, in “sim2me_bathsophie_allEPs.rar”: wall_sim2me_bathsophie01
blake_boy - Annie Modular Sofa: sofa, sofa no cushion; RCs water & winterfrost
Boblishman - Dish rack: mesh + RC steel_rack
Buggybooz - Aurore bedroom set: sofa (master mesh), hanging picture frame
Buggybooz - Craftsman Set: dining chair
Buggybooz - Feast of Frames. Meshes (first download link): BV style frame 1, BV style frame 2, BV style frame 3, transcendence style frame 1, transcendence style frame 4 large. Recolors (second download link): Suspense_RC3KBirch, Suspense_RC6SNMeisel, Transcendence_RC3SNMeisel, BV_TravelPoster_RC8_SNMeisel, BV_TravelPoster_RC14_JEsquibel, BV_TravelPoster_RC15_KFortson, BV_TravelPoster_RC16_RRay512, BV_TravelPoster_RC17_RRay
Buggybooz - Kia set: double bed, kube end table, painting_OlivePeynter, photo frame, table lamp, wardrobe
Note: when you're on the dropbox page, if nothing happens when you click download, try changing the page's url from "" to "". Then click download again and it should work. You can do this for all dropbox links that seem to be broken.
Buggybooz - Kitchenbasic set. In master meshes: BB_KitchenBasic_Counter and BB_KitchenBasic_Stool1; in slaves and appliances: cooker hood, CounterRC_creamdream, stool 1_RCblue
Buggybooz - Oh Baby Nursery: bunny wheeler, crib (master mesh), picture shelf
Buggybooz - Sage office and dining: chair, clutter_coffee pot, desk, dining table 2x1, sideboard
Cassandre - Color Trends Shop BPS shared by Riekus13: bag 8, bag 10, boots, boots_rc2
CatherineTCJD - Cat and Bird Paintings: CatBirdBottom, CatBirdTop
Celebkiriedhel - MLC Toys Recolors: xylophone in MLCRainbowTheme
Chimerical - Paintings and Wall Hangings: abovethemoon (very first download link)
cmiles8 - Fruit Painting Package: fruitbasket(bright)
The Coffin Crew - SÖMNIG Vampire Sleep Set. In “Vampire Bed -- MESH + Ikea MALM Colours”: vampire bed (master mesh), day stand, dresser-short, RC basecolour-birchwood; in “Even MORE Colours”: basecolour-silver, boxcolour-birchwooddarker, boxcolour-silver
CTNutmegger - Maxis Match Wall Cabinets: BG MyChicCounter
CTNutmegger, Quinctia - I Wanna Be a Rock Star! Deco Set: in “”: CTN_DecoMagazine_MESH; RC Mags_Beverly_Couch & Mags_ J-Viv_LaMusica
Curiousb - Neighborhood Terrain Default Replacements Set: neighborhood sidewalk tiles (seasons version)
Darkmoon689 - BG Cheap Shower Curtain: RC_05-whales
Domicile-interior - Jonesi blanket recolors, last download link: rec 16_Jonesi_BedBlanket
Domicile-interior - BB Kitchen Recolors: caro rec3b BB_KitchenBasic_Counter
Engelchen - Mira Teyon Bedroom Recolors: single candle rc1 & rc3a
Engelchen - BB Sage Recolors: Chair-clothRC5, Chair-woodRC8, Desk-rc2, DiningTable2x1-rc8, Sideboard-rc8
Engelchen - BB OhBaby Nursery Recolors: PictureShelf-rc2, Crib-rc7
FairyForest - Rugs slaved to Jonesi’s blanket: 01-01-01 mesh, 05-01-01 mesh, 07-01-01 mesh; RCs 01-01-02-StoffOhneRand & 01-03-02-StoffOhneRand
Fakeblood - 4t2 Novvvas Pacific Tile Floor: 13, 24
femdrag0n - Vintage Simlish Posters. In “”: twiki-vintsimpainting-zoo-NL. In “”: twiki-vintsimposter-turtle-FT.
Gabilei123 - Recolors of the Painting "An Anonymous Masterpiece". Paintings: botanischeDrucke_10, botanischeDrucke_12. Frame: Rahmen_silber.
Gabilei123 - Recolors of Painting "Stumped Hound". Painting: Fuchs_Aquarell. Frame: Rahmen_Holz_weiss.
Gabilei123 - Recolors of Painting "Suspense": Frame: Rahmen_weiss.
greeneyedsim - Dishes with Matching Dishracks: in “Corona Grove.rar”: Dish Rack_Corona Grove
Gwenke33 - Seasonal hydrangea bush: mesh, rec05
Gwenke33, HystericalParoxysm - Seasonal Maxis tree recolours and resized trees: meshes: ShrubbyS_Jumbo, ShrubbyS_Large, ShrubbyS_Medium, ShrubbyS_Small, JapaneseMapleLarger
Hek - Bibliothek set: sideboard mesh, sideboard_ahorn
Hek - Massive Wood Dining Set: chair, RC chair_fichte, RC chair_weissstreifen, coffee table 1 tile (master mesh), coffee table 2 tiles, table 1 tile, RC table_ahorn
Hek - Buggybooz’s KitchenBasic Recolors: tilesdarkgray, tileswhite
HolySimoly, Ambular, HugeLunatic - Simply Elegant Curtain - Ambular Extras: HolySimoly_SimpElegantCurtainsMAIN_AL_Mesh, HolySimoly_SimplyElegantCurtNEW_White, HolySimoly_SimplyElegantSgleLong_AL_Mesh, Ambular_SimplyElegant1TileShort, Ambular_SimplyElegant2TileLong_AL, Ambular_SimplyElegant2TileShort
Original Simply Elegant curtain set at HolySimoly here.
HolySimoly - Industronovo set: table mesh, stool mesh
HolySimoly - The Wetter Sink: mesh + RC black
HolySimoly - Bowl of Lemons
honeynutcows - 6 simlish posters: simlish1, simlish5
Honeywell - Better Bath collection: HW_dropshadow_MASTER, 01-Plumbing-tubShowerColonial__MASTER, 05-Plumbing-sinkVanity__MASTER, 09-Accessories-medicineCabinet-ornate, 10-Accessories-towelBar__MASTER, 14-Accessories-toiletPaper_slave
Honeywell - Recolors of the bathroommate foot rug: RC-4gray-medium, 4gray-small, 5white-medium
Honeywell - Interior Wall Collection: Bohemian Brick in “Hi-Yo Silver!”
HugeLunatic - Bohemian roof edgers: CornerOutsideAL, RepeatAL
HugeLunatic - One-tile desks: in “HL_Base_1TileDesks.rar”: Economy1tileDesk
Inzey - Conversion of MarcusSims91′s Dover Bedroom Set: double bed
Jon119 - The Refreshing Marble Fountain
Jonesi - Bed blanket fixed by HugeLunatic (second link “Download Double Bed Version Fixed”)
julsfels - Additional elements for AL and MG roofs: in “AL-RoofAdditions-ALandMG.rar”, Roofelements: ALDach-04-InnenAusseneckeRechts & ALDach-05-InnenAusseneckeLinks
Kaskurgi - Pottery Barn Maxis Bedding Set #1: DecoupageRC, ElizabethRC, BettinaRC
Kooli-sims - Vanadium Countertops Paint It Stone Recolors: CounterTop_PaintItStone_02
Liz - Pink Sugar Dining: HolySimoly Simply Elegant curtains RCs ballet (liz_din_pksg_crtn-HLYSMLYse_ballet) & putty (liz_din_pksg_crtn-HLYSMLYse_putty)
Liz - Dim Sum Kitchen and Dining: collage in black&white recolor “liz_pic_collBW-dmsm”
Liz - Claybee Nursery: logic toy recolor “liz_nrs_clyb_toy-logic”
lmhwjs - UC Clutter Collection: lmh_pets-spaceship
Ludwig, Mustluvcatz - 16 recolors of decorative closet doors by Ludwig: 2-tile door mesh (master), 1-tile door mesh, RC 5b
Macarossi - September Plant Collection: potted hibiscus
Macarossi - October Decorative Plant Set: short pedestal planter, tall pedestal planter, leucotheo
Malle - Collage in Black&White recolors: whiteframe1, whiteframe3
Michelle - BB's Kia Multi Room in Pooklet Natural Colours: double bed in primer, Kube end table in primer, photo frame in primer, table lamp in primer, wardrobe in primer
Michelle - Base Game Bathroom Object Recolours: KrampftIndustriesHubbaTubbaEconomyBathtub-White, SewageBrothersRestezeToilet-White
Michelle - More K&B Missing Kitchen Colours - Plus Extra Stuff: burglar alarm recolor SimSafetyVBurglarAlarm-White
Mira - Teyon Bedroom: calendar, candles (master mesh), single candle
Missimis - Bedding Set 1: bedding-03b
Monsieur_Oshima - Formidable Formica - retro dining set: 1x1 dining table (master mesh), table 2, chair 2, RC_top-whitewood
Moxxa, Shastakiss - 3t2 Conversion of Pyszny16’s Nap Time nursery: blanket, crib + RC worn, small bear + RC fuzzy, baby table + RC worn
Nengi65, Suratan - Rugs recolors. First download link: N65_BigRug3x4_MasterMESH, RCs 21, 42, 93. Second download: isotopia_rug_random_21.
Ohbehave - Jonesi blanket recolors: MyValentine_10
PineappleForest - Heap of Decor Items: 3 art books stack + RC yellowblack
PineappleForest - Lamp Collection. In “VintageLampsCollection.rar”: Glass&Brass AntiqueBilliardLamp_MASTERmesh, G&B round wall lamp, G&B lantern post, G&B garden lamp, G&B fantastical street lamp; RCs MetalSteel, Satin-Marble. In “ModernistLampsCollection.rar”: in CoolLights: WandSconce_MasterMESH, PendantLight_SlaVeMesh, SingleSconce_SlaVeMesh, RC White&ClearGlass
PineappleForest - Terracotta set: PF_TerracottaSetPlanterSmall_TheRequiredMESH, TulipPot_Small_REPOmesh; RC17_GlazeTealOmbre
PineappleForest - Succulent Set Revised: PF_SucculentAeoniumSquarePot_TheRequiredMESH, SmallUnpotted02b_REPOmesh; RC NewRC_Plant01_BurgundyGlaze
PineappleForest - Sweet Bouquet set: in SweetBouquetSet_[NL]: small mesh; in VaseCollection4Recolors: LilacWhite
PineappleForest - Zecutime Sofa Add-On & Recolors: RC FabricWornRec01-PlainCanvas
Pixelhate - Time Factor Walls: BrickStrip 05-A, BrickStrip 05-B, BrickStrip 05-C
Pixelry, Domicile-interior - Pixelry/Wondymoon Rhenium clothes pile (fourth download): mesh + RC 1
Pixelry, msteaqueen - Blankets: mesh + RC9
Pixelry, Sims Influence - 4to2 Leosims Kids Pencil Case: mesh + rc_dots
Plasticbox - Recolors for BibloFile and CinderBook books: in “”: Books-CinderBooks_02
Riekus13 - Dover Bedroom Recolors: bed-01
Riekus13 - Recolor of Suza’s pile of baby shirts: BebeClothes_05
Riekus13 - Jonesi blanket recolors: R13_BTBlanket09
SepiaFlower - Modern Wallpaper Set1: full #6, full #9, wainscoting #2, wainscoting #3, wainscoting #9
Shastakiss - Darren Dreamer Starter Kit: chair RCs magnolia & rowboat
Shastakiss YetiChalet recolors - BG hibiscus purple recolor, BG Japanese maple bluegreen recolor, BG wooden stairs charcoal recolor (+template for recolorable stairs by Numeror), wood fence charcoal recolor, GL luxury stereo / incentive TV stereoluxury_white, tvluxurycover_silver, Television_Luxury.bundle; FT sporty clock pool recolor, BG value desk rowboat recolor, BG easel wood driftwood recolor, BG park chair / bench / table driftwood recolor, SSNS bench driftwood recolors, BG cheap bookcase driftwood recolor, FT comfy bed driftwood recolor, GL luxury bed driftwood recolor, AL table frames recolors pewter and gnomeflamingo, K&B kitchen bottles driftwood recolor, AL socialite supplies driftwood recolor, BG value plain living chair beachglass recolor, BG adirondack set recolors white & pillow_magnolia, BG loft counter / commercial loft counter recolors white & top_metal, BG ornate chessboard white recolors, FT metro bar white recolor, AL bohemian shelf / shelf with vase / vase recolors periwinkle & wood_white + included CEP extra, AL 2-tile shelf rowboat recolor, GL luxury end table driftwood recolor, GL luxury dresser driftwood recolor, GL luxury table lamp driftwood recolor
Shoukeir/Sims2Play - Decorative books: 4books, 4books-recolor, 4books-recolor2, 5books, 5Hbooks, 6books, 9books, 9books-recolor, 9books-recolor2
Shoukeir/Sims2Play - Effort standing mirror: mesh
SilentLucidity - Full Range Shiftable OMSPs: end table OMSPs 1, 2, 10 + invisibles recolors
Simfused - 30 Recolors of Nightlife's Painting 'Two Dogs and an Olive': Canvas03, Canvas08
Sims Artists - Oh la Belle Epoque ! Paintings: phinae_georgesbarbier_elizabethanengland
Suratan - Spring mood wallpapers: walls_09, walls_16
Suratan - Half-tiles walls and matching floors: half_tiled_wall_01, half_tiled_wall_04, half_tiled_wall_08, half_tiled_wall_11
Suza - Baby clothes clutter: Suza_Mesh_Clutter_Pile_of_Baby_TShirt + Rec01
Takeolie - Simlish band posters: takeolie_adb6
Takeolie - Simlish band posters 2: takeolie_adbw2, takeolie_nl1, takeolie_nl3
Tara - BV poster Recolors: tara_ccposter_recbooks, tara_ccposter_recbutterflies, tara_ccposter_recbutterfly, tara_ccposter_recfan, tara_ccposter_recpeople
TheJim07 - Built-in Halogen Spots: mesh + RC white
Veranka - Abatey lamp set: table lamp, table lamp RCshade04 & RCmetal01
Veranka - Aura Bathroom: small standing mirror + RC01
Veranka - TS3 Laptops: Bodkin Laptop Computer AL + RC10
Veranka - Bohemian garden set: patchwork pouf
Veranka - Cambria dining decor: fruit bowl
Veranka - Changing room: water bottle
Veranka - Into the Future Decor: dark matter, Llama TRN-115
Veranka - Havana Outdoor Set: bench, bench_RC04, chair 02, chair 02_RC4
Veranka - The Coffee Bean Hipster Loft: stacked planters
Veranka - Io bathroom: soap + RC01
Veranka - Midnight Hollow Set: tiny tot toy shelf reorganized + RCa01 & RCb01
Veranka - New Vintage kitchen: counter, counter_RCfinish09, sink, sink_RC03, small counter, trash compactor
Veranka - New Vintage kitchen add-ons: no glass cabinet, no glass cabinet corner, no glass cabinet small L, no glass half cabinet, counter_RCtop10
Veranka - One Dining: painting
Veranka - Sao living: books
Veranka - Tabular TVs: TV medium AL, TV medium AL_RC02
Veranka - Vanadium Kitchen: cabinet center, cabinet corner, cabinet left, counterA, counterA_RCfinish01, counterA_RCtop02 counterB, counter cover strip, counter cover strip small, counter island, refrigerator FT, refrigerator FT_RC05, sink A, small counter A left, stove A FT (master mesh), stove B FT, trash compactor FT
Default replacements (non-included, non-required)
Shastakiss - FT metro bar clear glass default
Additional CC used in my screenshots (non-included, non-required)
Criquette&WitheredLilies, Greatcheesecakepersona, Lowedeus - Skylines: “Alpine”
Curiousb - Neighborhood Terrain Default Replacements Set: dirt terrain replacement, dirt road replacement, road overlay (the download links to the bundles are broken, you have to use the yellow link to the individual downloads)
Lowedeus - The Great Sky of Totalitarianism: neighborhood skybox in “Tower”
If you have any questions about the CAS CC that I've used on the sims in the screenshots, I'm happy to answer them and give you links.
Additional credits and thanks to Mootilda for the Lot Adjuster and the Clean Installer.
The following custom content is included in the downloadable files:
- All CC listed in the description by Honeywell
| required for both lot versions
Uploaded: 6th Jan 2022, 14.66 MB.
| required for both lot versions
Uploaded: 6th Jan 2022, 17.89 MB.
| version of the lot that requires Numeror's no cutaway wall (see description)
Uploaded: 6th Jan 2022, 1,010.9 KB.
| version of the lot that doesn't require any custom walls
Uploaded: 6th Jan 2022, 1,018.9 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
Loading comments, please wait...
Updated: 6th Jan 2022 at 12:21 PM
#apartments, #rowhouse, #rowhouses, #set, #LotAdjuster, #modern
Part 2 - Right End Flower Shop
Part 3 - The Toy Store
Part 4 - The Bridal Shop
Part 5 - A Home
Part 6 - Right End Playground
Part 7 - Corner Apartments
Part 8 - The Fishing Spot
Suburb Apartments - 2 trashy, shabby Apartments ;)
by himawara106 8th Jan 2009 at 11:04pm
+1 packsApartment Life -
East End Apartments - 4 Units - only AL is needed
by himawara106 23rd Jan 2009 at 6:00pm
+1 packsApartment Life -
by goodandgone 27th Aug 2009 at 1:51am
+8 packsUniversityNightlifeOpen for BusinessPetsSeasonsBon VoyageFree TimeApartment Life -
by allison731 11th Jul 2012 at 3:35pm
+17 packsHappy HolidayFamily FunUniversityGlamour LifeNightlifeCelebrationOpen for BusinessPetsH&M FashionTeen StyleSeasonsKitchen & BathBon VoyageFree TimeIkea HomeApartment LifeMansion and Garden -
Desert Palms Apartments ~ 4 units: 2bed/2 bath
by CatherineTCJD 9th May 2017 at 11:07pm , updated 10th May 2017 at 6:13pm
+16 packsHappy HolidayFamily FunUniversityGlamour LifeNightlifeCelebrationOpen for BusinessPetsTeen StyleSeasonsKitchen & BathBon VoyageFree TimeIkea HomeApartment LifeMansion and Garden -
[No CC] Townhouses Apartments (9 units)
by Leto 10th Nov 2021 at 5:32pm
+15 packsHappy HolidayFamily FunUniversityGlamour LifeNightlifeCelebrationOpen for BusinessPetsTeen StyleSeasonsKitchen & BathBon VoyageFree TimeApartment LifeMansion and Garden -
Modulin Set - Part 5 - A Home (2 br, 3 bath) [updated]
by Leto 11th Dec 2021 at 3:04pm , updated 15th Dec 2021 at 10:05pm
+16 packsHappy HolidayFamily FunUniversityGlamour LifeNightlifeCelebrationOpen for BusinessPetsH&M FashionTeen StyleSeasonsKitchen & BathBon VoyageFree TimeApartment LifeMansion and Garden -
Modulin Set - Part 7 - Corner Apartments (4 units)
by Leto 24th Dec 2021 at 11:38am , updated 28th Dec 2021 at 11:17am
+16 packsHappy HolidayFamily FunUniversityGlamour LifeNightlifeCelebrationOpen for BusinessPetsH&M FashionTeen StyleSeasonsKitchen & BathBon VoyageFree TimeApartment LifeMansion and Garden
[no CC] A Gardener's Starter House
by Leto 22nd Oct 2021 at 5:01am
A cute starter for a single sim who likes gardening. more...
+15 packsHappy HolidayFamily FunUniversityGlamour LifeNightlifeCelebrationOpen for BusinessPetsTeen StyleSeasonsKitchen & BathBon VoyageFree TimeApartment LifeMansion and Garden -
[No CC] Veronaville Reno - The Monty Ranch (3 br, 2½ bath)
by Leto 15th Jan 2022 at 4:56pm
Concluding the trilogy, here is my recreation of the third big house of Veronaville, the Monty Ranch. more...
+16 packsHappy HolidayFamily FunUniversityGlamour LifeNightlifeCelebrationOpen for BusinessPetsH&M FashionTeen StyleSeasonsKitchen & BathBon VoyageFree TimeApartment LifeMansion and Garden -
[no CC] Residential farm - 2 br, 2 bath
by Leto updated 24th Oct 2021 at 3:28pm
This is a cc-free home intended for a family of farmers. more...
+15 packsHappy HolidayFamily FunUniversityGlamour LifeNightlifeCelebrationOpen for BusinessPetsTeen StyleSeasonsKitchen & BathBon VoyageFree TimeApartment LifeMansion and Garden -
[No CC] Mediterranean Residence/Castle (4 br, 4 bath)
by Leto 15th Feb 2022 at 5:38pm
This is a castle I made for a lore video on Veronaville’s deceased ancestors. more...
+16 packsHappy HolidayFamily FunUniversityGlamour LifeNightlifeCelebrationOpen for BusinessPetsH&M FashionTeen StyleSeasonsKitchen & BathBon VoyageFree TimeApartment LifeMansion and Garden -
Whysim/Tea Leaf Skin Tones on Showerproof Aquilegia Androgyny Meshes
by Leto 24th Nov 2022 at 11:31am
[no CC] Rural home - 1br, 1bath
by Leto 22nd Oct 2021 at 4:58am
A cottage-y fully decorated home with a greenhouse. more...
+15 packsHappy HolidayFamily FunUniversityGlamour LifeNightlifeCelebrationOpen for BusinessPetsTeen StyleSeasonsKitchen & BathBon VoyageFree TimeApartment LifeMansion and Garden -
[No CC] Hopeful Apartments (2 units)
by Leto 18th Nov 2021 at 9:39pm
Do your sims want to be able to say that they live in a mansion but they don’t quite have more...
+15 packsHappy HolidayFamily FunUniversityGlamour LifeNightlifeCelebrationOpen for BusinessPetsTeen StyleSeasonsKitchen & BathBon VoyageFree TimeApartment LifeMansion and Garden -
Lilith Honey Honey Skin Tones on Showerproof Melodie9 Fat Family Meshes
by Leto 20th Nov 2022 at 1:18pm
Modulin Set - Part 7 - Corner Apartments (4 units)
by Leto updated 28th Dec 2021 at 11:17am
Part 1 ( - Part 2 ( - Part 3 (ht more...
+16 packsHappy HolidayFamily FunUniversityGlamour LifeNightlifeCelebrationOpen for BusinessPetsH&M FashionTeen StyleSeasonsKitchen & BathBon VoyageFree TimeApartment LifeMansion and Garden -
Modulin Set - Part 2 - Right End Flower Shop [updated]
by Leto updated 14th Dec 2021 at 6:55pm
Find part 1 here ( This flower shop is intended to be run as an active business and the empty spots more...
+16 packsHappy HolidayFamily FunUniversityGlamour LifeNightlifeCelebrationOpen for BusinessPetsH&M FashionTeen StyleSeasonsKitchen & BathBon VoyageFree TimeApartment LifeMansion and Garden
Packs Needed
Base Game | |
Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
University | |
Nightlife | |
Open for Business | |
Pets | |
Seasons | |
Bon Voyage | |
Free Time | |
Apartment Life |
Stuff Pack | |
Happy Holiday | |
Family Fun | |
Glamour Life | |
Celebration | |
H&M Fashion | |
Teen Style | |
Kitchen & Bath | |
Mansion and Garden |
About Me
I have a YouTube channel where I post Sims 2-related content: