Lyralei's Pose Addon V1.0

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If you got the Pose addon off my website, note that this is the same version, but the categories are sfw for the MTS version!

It's finally here! šŸŽ‰ An successor to Virtual Artisanā€™s incredible Pose Addon!

Virtual Artisanā€™s Pose Addon has always been an essential part of my game, but itā€™s no secret that it had a few quirks and issues. While fixing those, I couldnā€™t resist adding some exciting new features to take it to the next level!

Cmomoney's Pose Box

Current Bugs:
  • When asking a sim to look at something in front of them, there is a chance they look left/right intensely.
    For now, the workaround is either: Using VA's Look at (labeled as [LEGACY] Look at) OR, choose "Looking down" when setting up your sim looking at the item.
  • "Look at" for children currently stretches their necks like giraffes... so use [LEGACY] Look at for now for kids and toddlers
  • There is a chance that Blend Poses resets your sim. I'm still looking into what's causing this. Overall it should work out of the box.

Why Not Use Virtual Artisan's Pose Box with this mod?

This mod is an update to their original mod! Since itā€™s no longer available on their website, I decided to fully integrate it into this mod.

What does that mean?
This mod includes VAā€™s Pose Addon alongside some bug fixes, so you donā€™t need to download it separately. Just make sure to delete their pose addon to avoid any glitches or conflicts! šŸ˜Š

The Pie Menu:
Most things that are mine can be found under "Photo Shooting" > " Lyralei's Pose Addon ".

When sim is posing, the Pie menu shows more options. Something like...

ā­ New Features:
The pose addon comes with some new features, I personally always wanted for my own sim story! Here they are:

šŸ‘€ Better Look at
Ever posed a sim to look at something next to them, but they do this weird "eye roll-y" and "nudging slightly to the left" type of look at?

Or maybe you simply wanted to make the eyes look somewhere and not the head?

Let's check it out, with Morgana::

Here we have Morgana, looking normally...

And here we have Virtual Artisan's Look at. It does it pretty well, but because of the way EA made the "look at" function, not quite the result I wanted...

And here is the Look at from my Pose addon!

Why does this work?
First things first, if it wasn't for our animation queen, @TheSweetSimmer, I wouldn't have come up with this brilliant solution! What it does uinder the hood, is the use of "track masks". If you want to get a little more into the technical details, see: Ways to move the upper body on LookAtManager?

To get started, first pose your Sim as usual! Once theyā€™re in position, simply click " Look At..." to make it work.

Look at with just the eyes:
But sometimes we want it to be subtle, or bigger! For that reason, the "Look at" interaction will ask you what "Track Mask" to use. It basically asks you "What part of the body needs to be affected to show 'looking at' said item.

Let's check out the eyesOnly

Here Morgana is looking normally... No look at applied:

And now with some Pose addon magic....

Need the sim to look up? I managed this trick with a baseball and OMSP in case you want to recreate it ;D

Blending Poses:
My personal favourite feature of the mod! Blending poses
Ever have this issue where you want your sim to pose sitting, phoning up a sim, but all your calling poses are standing ones?!

Not a problem anymore! With " Pose Blending" you can use a pose " base " and then overlay another pose to create your own dynamic poses! (Gosh this feels like a teleshopping quote)

Here are some examples!

Look, ma! I can even do it sitting down:

Make sure you first pose your sim SITTING and then the other pose. Otherwise they will elevate!!

How to:
  • First, pose your sim as you normally would
  • Go to "Photo shooting..." > "Lyralei's Pose Addon..." > "Utils..." > "Blend" > Choose whichever option you'd like to use!
  • Pick the Track Mask you'd like to apply. If you only want the upperbody to be affected, click that option.
  • Click/type in the pose you want to blend it with....

And tada!

Categorised Pose List:
The cherry on the cake, is my personal solution to your Pose lists taking FOREVER to load!

Completely customizable through XML, you can now sort poses in their own respective categories! (And soon a tool to make your own )

The list comes with 3 parent categories: Common, Emotion and Category . If there are any poses it couldn't recognize, it will be put in "Miscellaneous".

Need a sitting pose? no problem! Just go to Lyralei's Pose Addon > Take pose From... > Common List > Sitting, and there you have all your sitting poses!

Additionally to cutting down the time, the pose list will now only show poses relevant to the sim! For example: Dogs will see dog poses, toddlers will see toddler poses, etc.

Can I customize this list myself?

Of course! I wrote a How-To here: Click me!

If that feels too intimidating, I am working on a tool for it to craft your own. Stay tuned!

šŸ•°ļø Show History
The Add-on remembers your pose history!

Whether youā€™re a dedicated ā€œPose by Nameā€ user or prefer the simplicity of ā€œShow by Listā€ , both options now display your pose history for quick reference.

Note: Each Sim has their own individual history list. This means youā€™ll only see the pose history for Sim X when clicking on them, and not for Sim Y.

What did I fix for Virtual Artisan's Pose Addon?
I've made sure to keep everything as it used to (and if I made a replacement for it, it's now labeled with "[LEGACY]" at the beginning of the interaction, in case you want to use VA's interactions, rather than mine).

But, of course, there were some bugs that came with it.

  • There is now an interaction that uses both look at & reaction simultaneously. (In case you don't want to use my look at interaction).
  • Fixed an issue where reactions would sometimes or never show on the sim.
  • Fixed an issue where sims didn't always want to look at the item.
  • Fixed an issue where certain poses get called twice, making it harder to keep reactions or even look at history data.
  • Optimised the code here and there.
  • Most interactions will now continue on posing your sim if you exited out of the interaction, rather than resetting it. (this counts for "Change Expression" and "Look At").
  • (Thanks @Danjaley!) Fixed an issue where toddlers/babies were not able to pose from the pose list.
  • (Thanks @Danjaley!) For toddlers, fixed an issue where, if the toddler was not on the same ground level as the pose box, the toddler couldn't choose from the pose list.

Enjoy! And as always, if you have feedback/questions/bugs, let me know!
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