Inge's Automatic Cash Register made recolorable
Front.jpg - width=1012 height=1148
Subset added.jpg - width=675 height=226
Invisible Recolor.jpg - width=1012 height=717
PIcture 5.jpg - width=911 height=742
Picture 6.jpg - width=984 height=745
What is Inge's automatic cash register you ask? It is a custom object created by Inge over at simlogical that works as a cash register but does not require a cashier. Sims who walk past it have their "cards" scanned, and automatically pay for their purchases, saving your business owner from having to pay a cashier. Also saves space on small lots, and avoids grumpy customers that hate waiting in line to pay for their stuff.
-> Find the original object by Inge here. There are also many other great creations, for OFB and the other EPs, so if you have not checked out Simlogical I highly recommend doing so.
But while a great creation in general, I personally never liked the way the automatic cash register looks. The metal is very shiny, and it looks too futuristic for my game. It has long been on my list of things I wish I could just make invisible. So when I started working with invisible recolors, I decided to give it a go. Unfortunately, the original object only lets you recolor the plate in the middle.
That is where this project would have died, if it weren't for our beloved Michelle. She was kind enough to take the time to instruct me on how to add a subset to this object, so that the frame could be recolored. I am quite lucky to get to share some of her vast experience recoloring Sims objects. If you are not familiar with her work, I don't know under which rock you've been hiding, but prepare to have your downloads folder explode.
Object information
All information about the automatic cash register can be found at Inge's site Simlogical. I have not changed anything about the object itself, it's all Inge. I've just made some modifications allowing the frame to be recolored.
My version uses the same guid as Inge's so you can't use both. Make sure you remove the original, if you had it. Lots that have the object will still have it, it'll just be my modified version.
Requires OFB. I believe it only requires OFB, but I've only tested it with all EPs/SPs so I'm not sure how it plays with only some of the EPs. If you have a different setup and find it does not work, let me know and I'll edit this to let others know.
No conflicts, all code is private and will only affect this object.
Invisible recolor
And of course, now that it can be recolored, I have also created the invisible recolor I wanted back then. The objects works the same, visible or not, but it may be hard to remember where you put if it's invisible. I've included two screenshots with other possible ways to use this object, with only the frame hidden. Doors and chairs are fully functional, in both of the screenshots. The possibilities are endless, if you make use of moveobjects on and boolprop snapobjectstogrid false.
(Note: The black frame seen in the pictures is a LACK recolor made by me, found here)
Note about the invisible recolor: The shadow of the object will still be there, even if the object is invisible. Shadows are different from recolors, and fixing that would affect the whole object, not just the recolor. I'm sorry about that. If it's a dealbreaker for you, I suggest looking at the LACK recolors I made and see if any of those fit your game so that you don't need it to be invisible

Inge's policy allows her work to be used as base for new things, which is very kind. But let there be no doubt about who made this object what it is. It's all Inge, this is just a minor modification that I hope will make it useful for more people out there by allowing the appearance to be changed.
The actual work figuring out how to add a subset to this was done by Michelle. Without her knowledge and kindness, this would probably not exist. So if you like it, perhaps go thank one of her countless creations here, to show her some love

If anyone would like to recolor this, you are welcome to. But please don't include the mesh with your upload, link back to this thread. And be sure to thank Inge for her work creating this.
Uploaded: 27th Sep 2015, 1.7 KB.
Uploaded: 27th Sep 2015, 32.7 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 28th Sep 2015 at 1:25 PM
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About Me
--- No longer sharing content on MTS ---
I hope to return one day but for now consider me retired, and my uploads unsupported. I still share things sometimes on tumblr and I chat on discord servers, but I do not promise support for things I've shared as I don't know when or if I'm around and whether or not I'll have the ability and energy to do something if I am around.
If you ever downloaded something of mine, thank you! It's a great feeling seeing something you spent time on be useful to someone else in their game, and with all the great CC out there I'm very flattered you would choose to get something of mine.
I do not take requests. I do sometimes make things for people, but only when I see someone wishing for something on the forums and I feel like making it for them. So if you have a mod you wish would exist, make a post in Hacks and CC that you'd like to see!-thread. That's what it's there for after all! :)
A shoutout to VioletPadfoot for inspiring me to try creating, long ago. You gave me the nudge that got me started, and I'm very grateful. I'd also like to thank all of the wonderful experienced creators (gdayars, justJones, maybesomethingdunno, NixNivis, whoward69, HugeLunatic and many more) out there that wrote the tutorials I've used, or that has answered my questions when I've gotten stuck. You guys are what makes learning fun, and what inspires me to keep expanding my knowledge with new projects. Special thanks to Michelle who has helped me a lot when it comes to objects and recolors, and BoilingOil who taught me some modding basics that I needed when I started modding more seriously.
My policy is now open. I'd appreciate a message telling me about your work, because it's fun for me to see, and it means I know about it and can refer others to it if they reach out. As much as I would like to provide support for my own work, my health is too unstable and I have to prioritize. So if anyone else would like to fix problems or continue something and share it with others, that's great go forth :) If you can learn from my work or improve on it, wonderful. Welcome to ask questions on crafters, if I can I'll answer.
I'd appreciate if people do not share default replacements from my stuff as I do not like default replacements, but I can't stop you anyway so no point in acting like I could. If you want to respect my wishes, I appreciate it, if you don't care then well nothing I can do about it.
Other sites
Only share content on tumblr now. Still retired though so probably nothing, but if something new comes out, that's where it'll be. You can find it linked here on my profile.