Astrology Remover (v1.2 update)
HUD astrology sign with forbidden circle.png - width=800 height=600
I am currently unaware of any ways to make the image larger while not losing focus on the most important part of the image.
HUD astrology sign with removed sign.png - width=800 height=600
Leaves the gender icons intact.
Wish icon with forbidden circle.png - width=106 height=162
CAS signs section with removed signs.png - width=640 height=634
The buttons can still be clicked on and selected, however.
What's Your Sign prompt with forbidden circle.png - width=353 height=125
Bridgeport poolside club new default lot name.png - width=880 height=825
The screenshot was taken on a new savefile.
Supernatural moondial now referring to lunar forecasts.png - width=855 height=785
One of the text-changed moondial forecasts.png - width=800 height=600
This mod was pretty tricky to test, and I took weeks to do so. Special thanks to the Disable Hopscotch Wishes mod by computeteen5, as without whose mod .package file I could study, I would never have been able to figure out how to prevent specific wishes without glitches occuring.
———What the mod does———
• The "Attractive Sim" prompt will no longer cite "What's your sign?" as the reason.
• In the "Relationship_0x5da0f93630ce52d4" file, "kMatchingSignsBonus" has been changed from 30 to 0.
• Removing zodiac sign icons from the Live Mode HUD and from Create-a-Sim, through replacing their .package IMAG images with empty transparent images.
• (All but confirmed) Sims will no longer get wishes to ask other Sims for their signs or to meet a compatible sign.
• (v1.1) Removing the hover notes when hovering the cursor over where the Live Mode HUD zodiac sign used to be. (Only works in the English game version.)
• (v1.1.1) The poolside club in Bridgeport is by default renamed from Aquarius to Aquaria.
• (v1.2) Textstrings related to the Supernatural moondial in the English version were changed from referring to horoscopes, to referring to forecasts (with the meaning as used for weather forecasts, stock market forecasts, etc.):
•• "Check Lunar Horoscope" > "Check Lunar Forecast"
•• "(From Moondial Horoscope)" > "(From Moondial Forecast)"
•• "That horoscope didn’t bode well… It’s possible that {0.SimFirstName} will experience betrayal." > "That forecast didn’t bode well… It’s possible that {0.SimFirstName} will experience betrayal."
•• "According to the horoscope, {0.SimFirstName} may not have Lady Luck at {MA.his}{FA.her} side today." > "According to the forecast, {0.SimFirstName} may not have Lady Luck at {MA.his}{FA.her} side today."
•• "What a horoscope reading! {0.SimFirstName} is excited at the prospect of experiencing prosperity." > "What a great forecast! {0.SimFirstName} is excited at the prospect of experiencing prosperity."
•• "{0.SimFirstName} is really hoping that horoscope turns out to be true. {MA.He}{FA.She} sure wouldn’t turn down a successful future!" > "{0.SimFirstName} is really hoping that forecast turns out to be true. {MA.He}{FA.She} sure wouldn’t turn down a successful future!"
———What the mod doesn't do———
• (Doesn't seem to be possible to set in .package files) Removing the zodiac option in Create-a-Sim entirely.
• (Would likely be considered unwanted interference) Removing the "Romantic > Ask sign" interaction, as some players could want to use it to diversify their Sims' flirting actions.
• (Would likely be considered unwanted interference) Preventing Sims from joining the Astrology path of the Astronomer career, incl. "Talk About Astrology Sign" and its related moodlets.
• (Doesn't seem to be astrology) Reducing the functionalities of the Supernatural fortune wagon or the Store crystal ball.
• 13 February 2025: v1.2 update. The Supernatural moondial now has many of its English version text strings refer to weather-esque forecasts instead of to astrology declarations.
• 31st of December 2023: v1.1.1 minor update that affects only players who have Late Night installed; the poolside club Aquarius has been renamed Aquaria. I'm trying to get back into the modmaking groove after having had a rough autumn in dozens of ways.
• 1st of October 2023: Version 1.1, which modifies 25 text strings to remove the names of the signs as well.
• May 2023: Initial v1.0 release.
Filename | Type | Size |
Dandelion Sprout - Astrology Remover 1.2-.7z | 7z | |
Dandelion Sprout - Astrology Remover 1.2.package | package | 142212 |
Dandelion Sprout - Astrology Remover 1.2-.7z
Uploaded: 13th Feb 2025, 129.5 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 13th Feb 2025 at 3:35 AM
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About Me
WIP big projects:
• EP changelogs for British English v1.4 (April 2024)
• "60FPS EA splash screen in Sims 3" (April/May 2024; depends on whether there's a fair amount of players who aren't using the various "Skip intros" mods)
• "IMAG game files ran through OptiPNG for slightly better game performance" (March or Q2 2024; need to figure out if DeltaBuild0 images are fair game to post as a mod, and not just FullBuild0)
• "Turn supermarkets into department stores" (Likely cancelled, as SN elixirs didn't have separate code rows)
• "Sims 3 Seinfeld apartment based on an architect's chart from 2011" (Cancelled; Sims 3 simply couldn't accomodate the needed straight/diagonal walls)
Backup of some of my mods (External link). I understood the rules (Link) as that "About Me" 100% allowed such links, though the normal SoMe profile settings lacked GitHub or GitLab options.