Curious' Townie Pool - Custom and Default Replacement
Title.png - width=2762 height=1550
FULL.png - width=2758 height=1550
LITE.png - width=2072 height=1070
Atlanta.png - width=538 height=840
Delphine.png - width=538 height=840
Florence.png - width=538 height=840
Gloria.png - width=538 height=840
Raleigh.png - width=538 height=840
Ruben.png - width=538 height=840
Samson.png - width=538 height=840
Todd.png - width=538 height=850
Aspen.png - width=538 height=840
Bonnie.png - width=538 height=840
Clementine.png - width=538 height=840
Delta.png - width=538 height=840
Elise.png - width=538 height=840
Fearne.png - width=538 height=840
Henley.png - width=538 height=840
Kiara.png - width=538 height=840
Mae.png - width=538 height=840
Nora.png - width=538 height=840
Piper.png - width=538 height=840
Rain.png - width=538 height=840
Senna.png - width=538 height=840
Sibyl.png - width=538 height=840
Teagan.png - width=538 height=840
Topaz.png - width=538 height=840
August.png - width=538 height=840
Avi.png - width=538 height=840
Blaine.png - width=538 height=840
Cooper.png - width=538 height=840
Danny.png - width=538 height=840
Emmett.png - width=538 height=840
Enzo.png - width=538 height=840
Evan.png - width=538 height=840
Gray.png - width=538 height=840
Jude.png - width=538 height=840
Kane.png - width=538 height=840
Kit.png - width=538 height=840
Marco.png - width=538 height=840
River.png - width=538 height=840
Ty.png - width=538 height=840
Wren.png - width=538 height=840
Arrow.png - width=552 height=846
Blair.png - width=552 height=846
Charlie.png - width=552 height=846
Claudia.png - width=552 height=846
Daisy.png - width=552 height=846
Erin.png - width=552 height=846
Ria.png - width=552 height=846
Tula.png - width=552 height=846
Ace.png - width=552 height=846
Arvin.png - width=552 height=846
Brennan.png - width=552 height=846
Ezra.png - width=552 height=846
Lucian.png - width=552 height=846
Rylan.png - width=552 height=846
Tommy.png - width=552 height=846
Valentino.png - width=552 height=846
Beatrix.png - width=538 height=846
Adrienne.png - width=538 height=846
Brooke.png - width=538 height=846
Loula.png - width=538 height=846
Magnolia.png - width=538 height=846
Raisa.png - width=538 height=846
Trista.png - width=538 height=846
Zara.png - width=538 height=846
Devin.png - width=538 height=846
Elliot.png - width=538 height=846
Felix.png - width=538 height=846
Harley.png - width=538 height=846
Javier.png - width=538 height=846
Koah.png - width=538 height=846
Lincoln.png - width=538 height=846
Ray.png - width=538 height=846

Apparently because my townies have secondary aspirations, the game doesn't know what to do when a sim is attracted to this secondary. You might have been getting this error if one my townies comes on a lot and a sim tries to check them out. This has now been fixed with all my four versions.
Queen of France had the same problem in their townie pool and they have a great explanation for those of you had any of my files attached to a hood already. If you want to keep the townies without getting the updated file, and still want to fix this change, you'll need SimPE. I posted a visual guide to help if you want to fix the issue on your own.
Basically, you need to open the hood that has the townies that need fixing, go to Sim Description (SDSC) which can be found in the left panel, and look for my custom townies. If you have one of the defaults, it will easy to spot the names I gave them. Depending on if you have the FULL or LITE, you'll have to change between 36 or 72 sims, sorry about that. If you used the subhood version, their names will be different. Go to the top left and under "Tools" go to "Neighborhood" and hover until "Sim Browser" pops up to the right and click that. You can filter by townies to help narrow it down. The next step is to then go to the bottom panel, and switch to the Freetime tab. Under the "Secondary Aspiration" dropdown, change it to none. Hit commit on the right side and go to the next sim. Once all are changed and committed, save at the top and you're good to go!
Please download one of the new files that starts with "UPDATED" if you have been getting these errors and don't want to fix the issue yourself in SimPE as stated above. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. If you're still getting errors, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
For celebrating the 20th anniversary of The Sims 2, here is my very own Townie Pool Replacement!*cue the confetti*🥳
About a year ago, I learned about custom townie pools and how it's possible to make of your own. I discovered Delijume's and Queen of France's works, as well as others over on Tumblr, and thought it was super cool and creative to be able to do that - I wanted to do that. And so, after a good couple of months of work, I have!
Like others that have been playing this game for a long, long 20 years (or there about), I was getting tired of seeing the same townies over and over again. I would restart Pleasantview one too many times and whenever I would make my own worlds, I would still see the same faces. Of course, I eventually learned about how you can stop the game from generating them, or even download a version of hoods without them there. I did that for quite some time until finally, I decided I wanted to do something different.
One the main reasons for wanting to make this entire thing was that I wanted townies that looked to my taste while also having as much genetic variety as possible. All age groups are included from elders to children. All skin tones, hair colors, and eye colors are included. The genetics are also paired in as much variations as possible. Sim A will have skin tone 1, hair color 1, and eye color 1, while sim B will have skin tone 1, hair color 2, and eye color 1. So on and so forth. They may not be the same sex or age, but the difference is there. It's not perfect, but I tried my best to make it that way.
Basic Information
This was created with the Ultimate Collection. Plenty of the sims are wearing hairs and clothes from various expansion and stuff packs.
Each sim was made with the intention of creating a group fleshed out characters. Whether they stay as townies in your game or integrate into playable households, they all have everything a sim needs. From first and second aspirations, turn on's, turn off's, sexual orientations, differing body types, jewelry, randomized skills, appropriate hobbies, appropriate life time wishes, (some) college degrees, and careers. All sims in their age group also have differing amounts of days left before they age up. The only thing I didn't change to give variety were the grades of teens and kids (because I didn't think of that until I was pretty much done).
If you choose to install one of the default versions, the names I gave each sim will stay the same.
If you choose to install one of the custom versions, the names I gave each sim will randomized.
If you don't mind the different names, should you choose a custom version, you're good to go! The only thing that will be noticeable is that all sims have a bio. Their original name will most likely be in there but you can change it to match. If you would prefer to have the original names that I gave, you will either need to have some sort of mod that lets you change a sims name in game, or you can use SimPE to change them back.
All sims that were made for this project were:
- Created in bodyshop
- Created using the "Pooklet Method"
- Created using default replacement face presets
- Possibly tweaked using custom sliders
Meet the Townies
Each sim has an image that shows both what their entire outfit is as well as a close up of their faces. The close up of their faces is from three angles so that you have a better idea of their genetics. Their full names are at the top, even though some are sort of hard to see with the black text and if they have darker hair, my bad.
Below, you can see basic information about aspirations and turn on's and off's. I tried to keep the aspirations different but there will be some overlap. The first turn on, I always make a randomized hair color. The second turn on and the turn off are also randomized using a generator. Refer to the images to see which sim is which.
Florence Donovan - Popularity, Pleasure. TOns/Offs: Red Hair, Hard Worker/Robots.
Delphine Leeds - Family, Knowledge. TOns/Offs: Brown Hair, Facial Hair/Swimwear.
Atlanta Marquise - Fortune, Knowledge. TOns/Offs: Black Hair, Good at Cleaning/Cologne.
Gloria Bowen - Knowledge, Pleasure. TOns/Offs: Red Hair, Glasses/Facial Hair.
Raleigh Fulton - Family, Popularity. TOns/Offs: Brown Hair, Hard Worker/Vampire.
Samson Earp - Knowledge, Popularity. TOns/Offs: Black Hair, Great Cook/Green eyes.
Todd Clark - Pleasure, Fortune. TOns/Offs: Red Hair, Fitness/Mechanical.
Ruben Adams - Fortune, Popularity. TOns/Offs: Black Hair, Fatness/Athletic.
Female Adults
Topaz Becker - Fortune, Family. TOns/Offs: Blonde Hair, Makeup/Witches.
Elise Knight - Knowledge, Romance. TOns/Offs: Black Hair, Cooking/Hats.
Piper Wells - Pleasure, Family. TOns/Offs: Black Hair, Creative/Red Hair.
Henley Chase - Popularity, Knowledge. TOns/Offs: Red Hair, Charismatic/Glasses.
Senna Montero - Popularity, Pleasure. TOns/Offs: Brown Hair, Mechanical/Plantsim.
Aspen Greene - Family, Popularity. TOns/Offs: Red Hair, logical/Jewelry.
Delta Hills - Romance, Knowledge. TOns/Offs: Black Hair, Makeup. Cleaning.
Rain Mendoza - Knowledge, Fortune. TOns/Offs: Blonde Hair, Mechanical/Plantsim.
Clementine Farrow - Family, Knowledge. TOns/Offs: Blonde Hair, Logical/Fatness.
Teagan Dodge - Romance, Popularity. TOns/Offs: Brown Hair, Glasses/Unemployed.
Mae Wilson - Knowledge, Family. TOns/Offs: Red Hair, Good Cook/Makeup.
Bonnie Gates - Popularity, Family. TOns/Offs: Brown Hair, Glasses/Unemployed.
Sibyl Fletcher - Pleasure, Knowledge. TOns/Offs: Black Hair, Glasses/Athletic.
Kiara Ripley - Fortune, Romance. TOns/Offs: Red Hair, Mechanical/Plantsim.
Fearne Gunter - Family, Knowledge. TOns/Offs: Brown Hair, Fitness/Charismatic.
Nora Kingston - Fortune, Pleasure. TOns/Offs: Blonde Hair, Swimwear/Cleaning.
Male Adults
Gray Carrigan - Popularity, Romance. TOns/Offs: Blonde Hair, Fitness. Unemployed.
Cooper Hale - Popularity, Knowledge. TOns/Offs: Blonde Hair, Great Cook. Facial Hair.
Evan Gaines - Popularity, Knowledge. TOns/Offs: Red Hair, Hard Worker. Werewolf.
Ty Zimmerman - Family, Fortune. TOns/Offs: Blonde Hair, Facial Hair. Zombie.
Marco Santana - Family, Fortune. TOns/Offs: Red Hair, Mechanical. Black Hair.
Blaine Sierra - Knowledge, Pleasure. TOns/Offs: Brown Hair, Formal Wear. Full Face Makeup.
Emmett York - Romance, Pleasure. TOns/Offs: Brown Hair, Athletic. Full Face Makeup.
Danny Forest - Pleasure, Popularity. TOns/Offs: Brown Hair, Good Cook. Grey Hair.
August Stone - Fortune, Pleasure. TOns/Offs: Red Hair, Fatness. Unemployed.
Jude Fox - Pleasure, Knowledge. TOns/Offs: Black Hair, Charismatic. Facial Hair.
River Loams - Fortune, Pleasure. TOns/Offs: Brown Hair, Formal Wear. Red Hair.
Wren Maverick - Knowledge, Fortune. TOns/Offs: Black Hair, Athletic. Swimwear.
Avi Rico - Knowledge, Fortune. TOns/Offs: Blonde Hair, Undies. Zombie.
Enzo Phoenix - Family, Popularity. TOns/Offs: Brown Hair, Mechanical. Swimwear.
Kane Angelo - Romance, Knowledge. TOns/Offs: Red Hair, Jewelry. Vampire.
Kit Reagan - Popularity, Fortune. TOns/Offs: Brown Hair, Good Cleaner. Stink.
Erin Ranger - Popularity, Fortune. TOns/Offs Red Hair, Glasses. Creative.
Claudia Weathers - Family, Pleasure TOns/Offs. Blonde Hair, Mechanical. Fatness.
Daisy Harper - Romance, Knowledge. TOns/Offs Brown Hair, Formalwear. Hats.
Arrow Easten - Pleasure, Knowledge. TOns/Offs Red Hair, Cologne. Full Face Paint.
Blair Lumina - Fortune, Pleasure. TOns/Offs Black Hair, Athletic. Grey Hair.
Charlie Vega - Popularity, Fortune. TOns/Offs Black Hair, Facial Hair. Jewlery.
Tula Bellamy - Family, Fortune. TOns/Offs Blonde Hair, Glasses. Athletic.
Ria Wild - Knowledge, Romance. TOns/Offs Blonde Hair, Fatness. Athletic.
Brennan Harrison - Fortune, Knowledge. TOns/Offs Black Hair, Logical. Unemployed.
Ace Mullally - Popularity, Family. TOns/Offs Blonde Hair, Logical. Unemployed.
Rylan Cisco - Popularity, Fortune. TOns/Offs Red Hair, Creative. Blonde Hair.
Valentino Rodriguez - Knowledge, Romance. TOns/Offs Brown Hair, Glasses. Zombie.
Tommy Oakes - Romance, Fortune. TOns/Offs Brown, Make Up. Logical.
Ezra Richter - Family, Fortune. TOns/Offs Black Hair, Glasses. Athletic.
Lucian Salazar - Family, Pleasure. TOns/Offs Blonde Hair, Hard Worker. Jewelry.
Arvin Bordeaux - Pleasure, Knowledge. TOns/Offs Blonde Hair, Charismatic. Swimwear.
The kids do not have aspirations nor do they have turn ons/offs.
There are 4 versions that are available for download.
- "FULL - Custom Version" includes a total of 72 sims aged elder to child. Broken down, there are 8 elders split male and female, 32 adults split male and female, 16 teens split male and female, and 16 kids split male and female.
- "LITE - Custom Version" includes a total of 36 sims aged elder to child. Broken down, there are 4 elders split male and female, 16 adults split male and female, 8 teens split male and female, and 8 kids split male and female.
- "N001 - FULL Default Version" Is a default replacement which includes the same 72 sims as above.
- "N001 - LITE Default Version" Is a default replacement which includes the same 36 sims as above.
- The custom versions require Open for Business. If you do not have that expansion pack, the only two available to you are the defaults.
- For a "Custom" townie pool, place the file name "FULL" or "LITE" into:
Program Files (x86)\EA Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Best of Business\EP3\TSData\Res\NeighborhoodTemplate - For a "Default Replacement" townie pool, place "N001" into:
Program Files (x86)\EA Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Double Deluxe\Base\TSData\Res\UserData\Neighborhoods - If you do not have the Ultimate Collection but do have Open for Buisness, and you are getting the custom version, you need to direct to the latest expansion pack you have, then go to TSData\Res\NeighborhoodTemplate
You can technically download both custom versions, however, if both are attached to the same hood, half of the sims will be redundant. If you do want both, ensure only one is attached to a single hood.
I encourage you to create an empty test hood to add these sims to before adding to any hoods of your own. It's good to just be able to see the added sims and decide if you truly want them.
Where to find the sims
- The custom hoods are subhoods. They can be added while in your main hood. Select the icon in the top left that says "Add a shopping district". There, the custom hood should be found with an image showing which version you have. Once you add the district to your main hood, you can delete the now empty subhood. It will not remove the townies as they are now attached to the main hood.
- The default hood will be automatically added to any hood you open after adding to your game files. Once again, I would ask you to create a test hood first to see if you like the sims and if all looks well. Backup any hoods you want to add these sims to.
Recommended Mods
Mootilda's Fix Subhood Selection
A name changer mod like this or simPE.
Different townie name mods like this or this
Some sort of lifespan mod like this or this
Smart AgeCorrect by Lazyduchess
Delijume for the inspiration and helping along the way. Anytime I had a question, you were there to answer.
xfivexfivex for DR face templates "Butterflies and Hurricanes".
DeedeeSims for non-DR face templates of Beccabear’s "Masquerade".
simNopke for custom sliders. for helping me create interesting and fun names for all these sims.
Filename | Type | Size |
LITE - Custom Version.rar | rar | |
LITE_User00000.package | package | 288218 |
LITE_User00001.package | package | 441788 |
LITE_User00002.package | package | 310882 |
LITE_User00003.package | package | 290678 |
LITE_User00004.package | package | 514710 |
LITE_User00005.package | package | 546955 |
LITE_User00006.package | package | 518502 |
LITE_User00007.package | package | 524101 |
LITE_User00008.package | package | 348551 |
LITE_User00009.package | package | 353949 |
LITE_User00010.package | package | 285443 |
LITE_User00011.package | package | 361169 |
LITE_User00012.package | package | 647595 |
LITE_User00013.package | package | 634914 |
LITE_User00014.package | package | 515409 |
LITE_User00015.package | package | 507577 |
LITE_User00016.package | package | 289403 |
LITE_User00017.package | package | 285606 |
LITE_User00018.package | package | 302494 |
LITE_User00019.package | package | 280151 |
LITE_User00020.package | package | 560152 |
LITE_User00021.package | package | 646719 |
LITE_User00022.package | package | 610233 |
LITE_User00023.package | package | 454187 |
LITE_User00024.package | package | 302397 |
LITE_User00025.package | package | 278295 |
LITE_User00026.package | package | 281130 |
LITE_User00027.package | package | 302857 |
LITE_User00028.package | package | 452877 |
LITE_User00029.package | package | 493950 |
LITE_User00030.package | package | 433115 |
LITE_User00031.package | package | 610944 |
LITE_User00032.package | package | 369804 |
LITE_User00033.package | package | 323665 |
LITE_User00034.package | package | 358330 |
LITE_User00035.package | package | 330321 |
LITE_Neighborhood.bkp | bkp | 319195 |
LITE_Neighborhood.package | package | 390227 |
LITE_Neighborhood.png | png | 2460310 |
LITE_FamilyThumbnails.package | package | 2973 |
Filename | Type | Size |
FULL - Custom Version.rar | rar | |
FULL_User00000.package | package | 282030 |
FULL_User00001.package | package | 455648 |
FULL_User00002.package | package | 326202 |
FULL_User00003.package | package | 284574 |
FULL_User00004.package | package | 495327 |
FULL_User00005.package | package | 501176 |
FULL_User00006.package | package | 571284 |
FULL_User00007.package | package | 503773 |
FULL_User00008.package | package | 327180 |
FULL_User00009.package | package | 335391 |
FULL_User00010.package | package | 293851 |
FULL_User00011.package | package | 342791 |
FULL_User00012.package | package | 682501 |
FULL_User00013.package | package | 676782 |
FULL_User00014.package | package | 560404 |
FULL_User00015.package | package | 548519 |
FULL_User00016.package | package | 280075 |
FULL_User00017.package | package | 300203 |
FULL_User00018.package | package | 281456 |
FULL_User00019.package | package | 293024 |
FULL_User00020.package | package | 599673 |
FULL_User00021.package | package | 689108 |
FULL_User00022.package | package | 642340 |
FULL_User00023.package | package | 477019 |
FULL_User00024.package | package | 283062 |
FULL_User00025.package | package | 279927 |
FULL_User00026.package | package | 307845 |
FULL_User00027.package | package | 283259 |
FULL_User00028.package | package | 476583 |
FULL_User00029.package | package | 490707 |
FULL_User00030.package | package | 463275 |
FULL_User00031.package | package | 623888 |
FULL_User00032.package | package | 379228 |
FULL_User00033.package | package | 313933 |
FULL_User00034.package | package | 363403 |
FULL_User00035.package | package | 319994 |
FULL_User00036.package | package | 326717 |
FULL_User00037.package | package | 320895 |
FULL_User00038.package | package | 323869 |
FULL_User00039.package | package | 350163 |
FULL_User00040.package | package | 353300 |
FULL_User00041.package | package | 359165 |
FULL_User00042.package | package | 310141 |
FULL_User00043.package | package | 423678 |
FULL_User00044.package | package | 525808 |
FULL_User00045.package | package | 631019 |
FULL_User00046.package | package | 524865 |
FULL_User00047.package | package | 636930 |
FULL_User00048.package | package | 291437 |
FULL_User00049.package | package | 284025 |
FULL_User00050.package | package | 322420 |
FULL_User00051.package | package | 284970 |
FULL_User00052.package | package | 503359 |
FULL_User00053.package | package | 498700 |
FULL_User00054.package | package | 623277 |
FULL_User00055.package | package | 625680 |
FULL_User00056.package | package | 320051 |
FULL_User00057.package | package | 307859 |
FULL_User00058.package | package | 419885 |
FULL_User00059.package | package | 305528 |
FULL_User00060.package | package | 539699 |
FULL_User00061.package | package | 460971 |
FULL_User00062.package | package | 550031 |
FULL_User00063.package | package | 608892 |
FULL_User00064.package | package | 329264 |
FULL_User00065.package | package | 340827 |
FULL_User00066.package | package | 399373 |
FULL_User00067.package | package | 389071 |
FULL_User00068.package | package | 481488 |
FULL_User00069.package | package | 641403 |
FULL_User00070.package | package | 463846 |
FULL_User00071.package | package | 479855 |
FULL_Neighborhood.bkp | bkp | 319195 |
FULL_Neighborhood.package | package | 711092 |
FULL_Neighborhood.png | png | 4825849 |
FULL_FamilyThumbnails.package | package | 577528 |
Filename | Type | Size |
N001 - LITE Default Version.rar | rar | |
N001_User00000.package | package | 288218 |
N001_User00001.package | package | 441788 |
N001_User00002.package | package | 310882 |
N001_User00003.package | package | 290678 |
N001_User00004.package | package | 514710 |
N001_User00005.package | package | 546955 |
N001_User00006.package | package | 518502 |
N001_User00007.package | package | 524101 |
N001_User00008.package | package | 348551 |
N001_User00009.package | package | 353949 |
N001_User00010.package | package | 285443 |
N001_User00011.package | package | 361169 |
N001_User00012.package | package | 647595 |
N001_User00013.package | package | 634914 |
N001_User00014.package | package | 515409 |
N001_User00015.package | package | 507577 |
N001_User00016.package | package | 289403 |
N001_User00017.package | package | 285606 |
N001_User00018.package | package | 302494 |
N001_User00019.package | package | 280151 |
N001_User00020.package | package | 560152 |
N001_User00021.package | package | 646719 |
N001_User00022.package | package | 610233 |
N001_User00023.package | package | 454187 |
N001_User00024.package | package | 302397 |
N001_User00025.package | package | 278295 |
N001_User00026.package | package | 281130 |
N001_User00027.package | package | 302857 |
N001_User00028.package | package | 452877 |
N001_User00029.package | package | 493950 |
N001_User00030.package | package | 433115 |
N001_User00031.package | package | 610944 |
N001_User00032.package | package | 369804 |
N001_User00033.package | package | 323665 |
N001_User00034.package | package | 358330 |
N001_User00035.package | package | 330321 |
N001_Neighborhood.bkp | bkp | 319195 |
N001_Neighborhood.package | package | 390227 |
N001_Neighborhood.png | png | 2460310 |
N001_FamilyThumbnails.package | package | 2973 |
Filename | Type | Size |
N001 - FULL Default Version.rar | rar | |
N001_User00000.package | package | 292662 |
N001_User00001.package | package | 484544 |
N001_User00002.package | package | 308954 |
N001_User00003.package | package | 296534 |
N001_User00004.package | package | 503615 |
N001_User00005.package | package | 507008 |
N001_User00006.package | package | 505821 |
N001_User00007.package | package | 513909 |
N001_User00008.package | package | 338560 |
N001_User00009.package | package | 345255 |
N001_User00010.package | package | 282575 |
N001_User00011.package | package | 370132 |
N001_User00012.package | package | 623348 |
N001_User00013.package | package | 620240 |
N001_User00014.package | package | 501786 |
N001_User00015.package | package | 496771 |
N001_User00016.package | package | 305955 |
N001_User00017.package | package | 283098 |
N001_User00018.package | package | 292656 |
N001_User00019.package | package | 278420 |
N001_User00020.package | package | 539575 |
N001_User00021.package | package | 626982 |
N001_User00022.package | package | 664932 |
N001_User00023.package | package | 431266 |
N001_User00024.package | package | 295335 |
N001_User00025.package | package | 292447 |
N001_User00026.package | package | 279822 |
N001_User00027.package | package | 295699 |
N001_User00028.package | package | 427540 |
N001_User00029.package | package | 511616 |
N001_User00030.package | package | 429422 |
N001_User00031.package | package | 655296 |
N001_User00032.package | package | 342952 |
N001_User00033.package | package | 297728 |
N001_User00034.package | package | 323791 |
N001_User00035.package | package | 291681 |
N001_User00036.package | package | 297657 |
N001_User00037.package | package | 294042 |
N001_User00038.package | package | 297275 |
N001_User00039.package | package | 319725 |
N001_User00040.package | package | 324014 |
N001_User00041.package | package | 332553 |
N001_User00042.package | package | 282025 |
N001_User00043.package | package | 398198 |
N001_User00044.package | package | 569500 |
N001_User00045.package | package | 661331 |
N001_User00046.package | package | 565520 |
N001_User00047.package | package | 666730 |
N001_User00048.package | package | 279363 |
N001_User00049.package | package | 289185 |
N001_User00050.package | package | 327268 |
N001_User00051.package | package | 290170 |
N001_User00052.package | package | 508003 |
N001_User00053.package | package | 503868 |
N001_User00054.package | package | 629033 |
N001_User00055.package | package | 631416 |
N001_User00056.package | package | 277263 |
N001_User00057.package | package | 279454 |
N001_User00058.package | package | 425761 |
N001_User00059.package | package | 310560 |
N001_User00060.package | package | 546883 |
N001_User00061.package | package | 466069 |
N001_User00062.package | package | 556583 |
N001_User00063.package | package | 615180 |
N001_User00064.package | package | 305271 |
N001_User00065.package | package | 308137 |
N001_User00066.package | package | 363110 |
N001_User00067.package | package | 361859 |
N001_User00068.package | package | 469427 |
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N001_User00070.package | package | 458370 |
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N001_Neighborhood.bkp | bkp | 319195 |
N001_Neighborhood.package | package | 687236 |
N001_Neighborhood.png | png | 4830772 |
N001_FamilyThumbnails.package | package | 5838 |
Filename | Type | Size |
UPDATED N001 - FULL Default Version.rar | rar | |
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N001_User00006.package | package | 506069 |
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N001_User00010.package | package | 282791 |
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N001_User00024.package | package | 295807 |
N001_User00025.package | package | 292951 |
N001_User00026.package | package | 279966 |
N001_User00027.package | package | 296187 |
N001_User00028.package | package | 427684 |
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N001_User00030.package | package | 429430 |
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N001_User00035.package | package | 291801 |
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N001_User00038.package | package | 297371 |
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N001_User00041.package | package | 332625 |
N001_User00042.package | package | 282153 |
N001_User00043.package | package | 398270 |
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N001_User00045.package | package | 662235 |
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N001_User00048.package | package | 279347 |
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N001_User00050.package | package | 327620 |
N001_User00051.package | package | 289842 |
N001_User00052.package | package | 507683 |
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N001_User00055.package | package | 631100 |
N001_User00056.package | package | 277263 |
N001_User00057.package | package | 279422 |
N001_User00058.package | package | 425377 |
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N001_User00067.package | package | 361859 |
N001_User00068.package | package | 469427 |
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N001_User00071.package | package | 468390 |
N001_Neighborhood.package | package | 178579 |
N001_Neighborhood.png | png | 4830772 |
N001_FamilyThumbnails.package | package | 96 |
Filename | Type | Size |
UPDATED N001 - LITE Default Version.rar | rar | |
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N001_User00007.package | package | 523901 |
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N001_User00009.package | package | 353949 |
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N001_User00014.package | package | 515121 |
N001_User00015.package | package | 507577 |
N001_User00016.package | package | 289787 |
N001_User00017.package | package | 285582 |
N001_User00018.package | package | 302451 |
N001_User00019.package | package | 280375 |
N001_User00020.package | package | 559992 |
N001_User00021.package | package | 646619 |
N001_User00022.package | package | 609897 |
N001_User00023.package | package | 454107 |
N001_User00024.package | package | 302397 |
N001_User00025.package | package | 278255 |
N001_User00026.package | package | 281370 |
N001_User00027.package | package | 302857 |
N001_User00028.package | package | 452877 |
N001_User00029.package | package | 493750 |
N001_User00030.package | package | 433115 |
N001_User00031.package | package | 610944 |
N001_User00032.package | package | 369804 |
N001_User00033.package | package | 323641 |
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N001_User00035.package | package | 330321 |
N001_Neighborhood.package | package | 137061 |
N001_Neighborhood.png | png | 2460310 |
N001_FamilyThumbnails.package | package | 96 |
Filename | Type | Size |
UPDATED FULL - Custom Version.rar | rar | |
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FULL_User00004.package | package | 495327 |
FULL_User00005.package | package | 501176 |
FULL_User00006.package | package | 571284 |
FULL_User00007.package | package | 503773 |
FULL_User00008.package | package | 327180 |
FULL_User00009.package | package | 335391 |
FULL_User00010.package | package | 293851 |
FULL_User00011.package | package | 342791 |
FULL_User00012.package | package | 682501 |
FULL_User00013.package | package | 676782 |
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FULL_User00015.package | package | 548519 |
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FULL_User00018.package | package | 281456 |
FULL_User00019.package | package | 293024 |
FULL_User00020.package | package | 599673 |
FULL_User00021.package | package | 689108 |
FULL_User00022.package | package | 642340 |
FULL_User00023.package | package | 477019 |
FULL_User00024.package | package | 283062 |
FULL_User00025.package | package | 279927 |
FULL_User00026.package | package | 307845 |
FULL_User00027.package | package | 283259 |
FULL_User00028.package | package | 476583 |
FULL_User00029.package | package | 490707 |
FULL_User00030.package | package | 463275 |
FULL_User00031.package | package | 623888 |
FULL_User00032.package | package | 379228 |
FULL_User00033.package | package | 313933 |
FULL_User00034.package | package | 363403 |
FULL_User00035.package | package | 319994 |
FULL_User00036.package | package | 326717 |
FULL_User00037.package | package | 320895 |
FULL_User00038.package | package | 323869 |
FULL_User00039.package | package | 350163 |
FULL_User00040.package | package | 353300 |
FULL_User00041.package | package | 359165 |
FULL_User00042.package | package | 310141 |
FULL_User00043.package | package | 423678 |
FULL_User00044.package | package | 525808 |
FULL_User00045.package | package | 631019 |
FULL_User00046.package | package | 524865 |
FULL_User00047.package | package | 636930 |
FULL_User00048.package | package | 291437 |
FULL_User00049.package | package | 284025 |
FULL_User00050.package | package | 322420 |
FULL_User00051.package | package | 284970 |
FULL_User00052.package | package | 503359 |
FULL_User00053.package | package | 498700 |
FULL_User00054.package | package | 623277 |
FULL_User00055.package | package | 625680 |
FULL_User00056.package | package | 320051 |
FULL_User00057.package | package | 307859 |
FULL_User00058.package | package | 419885 |
FULL_User00059.package | package | 305528 |
FULL_User00060.package | package | 539699 |
FULL_User00061.package | package | 460971 |
FULL_User00062.package | package | 550031 |
FULL_User00063.package | package | 608892 |
FULL_User00064.package | package | 329264 |
FULL_User00065.package | package | 340827 |
FULL_User00066.package | package | 399373 |
FULL_User00067.package | package | 389071 |
FULL_User00068.package | package | 481488 |
FULL_User00069.package | package | 641403 |
FULL_User00070.package | package | 463846 |
FULL_User00071.package | package | 479855 |
FULL_Neighborhood.bkp | bkp | 319195 |
FULL_Neighborhood.package | package | 651846 |
FULL_Neighborhood.png | png | 4825849 |
FULL_FamilyThumbnails.package | package | 577528 |
Filename | Type | Size |
UPDATED LITE - Custom Version.rar | rar | |
LITE_User00000.package | package | 288218 |
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LITE_User00004.package | package | 514710 |
LITE_User00005.package | package | 546955 |
LITE_User00006.package | package | 518502 |
LITE_User00007.package | package | 524101 |
LITE_User00008.package | package | 348551 |
LITE_User00009.package | package | 353949 |
LITE_User00010.package | package | 285443 |
LITE_User00011.package | package | 361169 |
LITE_User00012.package | package | 647595 |
LITE_User00013.package | package | 634914 |
LITE_User00014.package | package | 515409 |
LITE_User00015.package | package | 507577 |
LITE_User00016.package | package | 289403 |
LITE_User00017.package | package | 285606 |
LITE_User00018.package | package | 302494 |
LITE_User00019.package | package | 280151 |
LITE_User00020.package | package | 560152 |
LITE_User00021.package | package | 646719 |
LITE_User00022.package | package | 610233 |
LITE_User00023.package | package | 454187 |
LITE_User00024.package | package | 302397 |
LITE_User00025.package | package | 278295 |
LITE_User00026.package | package | 281130 |
LITE_User00027.package | package | 302857 |
LITE_User00028.package | package | 452877 |
LITE_User00029.package | package | 493950 |
LITE_User00030.package | package | 433115 |
LITE_User00031.package | package | 610944 |
LITE_User00032.package | package | 369804 |
LITE_User00033.package | package | 323665 |
LITE_User00034.package | package | 358330 |
LITE_User00035.package | package | 330321 |
LITE_Neighborhood.bkp | bkp | 319195 |
LITE_Neighborhood.package | package | 367054 |
LITE_Neighborhood.png | png | 2460310 |
LITE_FamilyThumbnails.package | package | 2973 |
Note from the Creator:
UPDATED LITE - Custom Version.rar
Uploaded: 17th Feb 2025, 9.86 MB.
UPDATED FULL - Custom Version.rar
Uploaded: 17th Feb 2025, 19.94 MB.
UPDATED N001 - LITE Default Version.rar
Uploaded: 17th Feb 2025, 9.74 MB.
UPDATED N001 - FULL Default Version.rar
Uploaded: 17th Feb 2025, 19.09 MB.
N001 - FULL Default Version.rar
Uploaded: 25th Sep 2024, 19.25 MB.
N001 - LITE Default Version.rar
Uploaded: 25th Sep 2024, 9.86 MB.
FULL - Custom Version.rar
Uploaded: 25th Sep 2024, 19.94 MB.
LITE - Custom Version.rar
Uploaded: 25th Sep 2024, 9.86 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Simsâ„¢ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 17th Feb 2025 at 11:48 PM
#Townie, #Pool, #Custom, #Default, #Replacement, #Ultimate, #Collection, #UltimateCollection, #Elder, #Adult, #Teen, #Kid
by marka93 9th Apr 2014 at 7:38pm
177 133.7k 387
Miscellaneous » Neighborhoods & CAS Screens » Neighbourhoods and Worlds
by marka93 25th Apr 2014 at 1:00am
11 20.4k 32
Miscellaneous » Neighborhoods & CAS Screens » Neighbourhoods and Worlds
Default townie pool replacement (with subhood version)
by Queen of France updated 17th Dec 2022 at 11:29pm
+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
Miscellaneous » Neighborhoods & CAS Screens » Neighbourhoods and Worlds
by Amura 9th Feb 2017 at 12:46am
+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
Miscellaneous » Neighborhoods & CAS Screens » Neighbourhoods and Worlds
Ultimate Townie Default Replacement
by Delijume 23rd Dec 2021 at 1:49pm
37 25.2k 60
Miscellaneous » Neighborhoods & CAS Screens » Neighbourhoods and Worlds
[HOTFIX] Default townie pool expansion - teens, children, elders
by Queen of France updated 3rd Jan 2023 at 5:44am
+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
Miscellaneous » Neighborhoods & CAS Screens » Neighbourhoods and Worlds
by Dina_Goth updated 25th Nov 2024 at 1:49pm
+16 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
Miscellaneous » Neighborhoods & CAS Screens » Neighbourhoods and Worlds
by Dina_Goth updated 28th Aug 2023 at 12:52pm
+16 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
Miscellaneous » Neighborhoods & CAS Screens » Neighbourhoods and Worlds
by VanderZan 17th Oct 2024 at 9:19am
+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
Miscellaneous » Neighborhoods & CAS Screens » Neighbourhoods and Worlds
1 Tesla Court - Beaker House Redone
by TheCuriousClockwork updated 21st Jul 2024 at 12:00am
Lot Info: 4x3 Lot Size. $222,520. 4 Bedrooms. 3 Bathrooms. 2 Floors. more...
+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
190 Sim Lane - Burb House Redone
by TheCuriousClockwork 10th Aug 2024 at 8:11pm
Lot size: 3x2 Price: 108,496 This is the house that I usually place the Burb family into. more...
+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
Alhanton City - Terrain Map and Decorated Empty Hood
by TheCuriousClockwork 16th May 2024 at 1:20am
Welcome to Alhanton City! Or, that is, a possible city if you want to make one. The quick story is that I've more...
+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
Pleasant Vista - Apartments Redone
by TheCuriousClockwork 1st Sep 2024 at 8:20pm
Lot size: 3x2 Price: 1,618 to 1,994 per. Not only did I decide to renovate all residential lots in Pleasantview, I also more...
+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
330 Main Street - Cafe and Clothing
by TheCuriousClockwork 7th Sep 2024 at 11:58pm
Lot size: 5x2 Price: 145,831 Even though the title only shows that there is a cafe and clothing store on this lot, more...
+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
96 Road to Nowhere - Apartments
by TheCuriousClockwork 19th Mar 2024 at 12:01am
+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
170 Main Street - Caliente House Redone
by TheCuriousClockwork 2nd Jul 2024 at 6:27pm
Lot size: 3x2 Price: 91,093 The Caliente house is up next. more...
+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
73 Road to Nowhere - Family House
by TheCuriousClockwork 13th Mar 2024 at 10:26pm
3x3 Lot Size. $81,719. 4 Bedrooms. 2.5 Bathrooms. Howdy! This lot is a complete rework of the original 73 Road to Nowhere. more...
+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
165 Sim Lane - Goth House Redone
by TheCuriousClockwork 27th Jul 2024 at 7:04pm
Lot size: 3x3 Price: 203,387 The iconic Goth house has finally been remodeled. more...
+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
210 Wright Way - Mansion Redone
by TheCuriousClockwork 24th Aug 2024 at 9:40pm
Lot size: 5x3 Price: 405,731 This is a remake of one of the two mansions in Pleasantview. more...
+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | University |
![]() | Nightlife |
![]() | Open for Business |
![]() | Pets |
![]() | Seasons |
![]() | Bon Voyage |
![]() | Free Time |
![]() | Apartment Life |
Stuff Pack | |
![]() | Happy Holiday |
![]() | Family Fun |
![]() | Glamour Life |
![]() | Celebration |
![]() | H&M Fashion |
![]() | Teen Style |
![]() | Kitchen & Bath |
![]() | Ikea Home |
![]() | Mansion and Garden |