Sim Station Alpha

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- Magisplay Invisible RC by pfish @MTS Used to put the dolls and skeleton teddy on the shelves.
- AOD Disco Dining Chair RC by synystergatesawesome @MTS
- Simlish X-Files Poster by silo pixel & bean @MTS
- RC Sim Trek Sliding Door by Pixelhate @MTS

And now for something completely different...

This project began with a dog - a Berkshire Targ, to be exact - from the Sim Trek 2 Boldly Go website, which is, sadly, now shut down. I'd seen some awesome alien skins here on MTS, and the dog got me thinking about making an alien Sim... and some place for her to live. By the time I started building the lot, "Soliel" had a backstory; she's a scientist traveling the universe studying alien lifeforms and collecting specimens. The Targ is actually her supervisor, called Administrator, whose arrival was delayed until after her graduation from Sim University because "pets" weren't allowed on campus.

The home is deliberately sparse in what are considered work areas, with the exception of the SIMulated living room (the Sim Receiving Area), which was furnished by Soliel when she was still new to the Sim world and had to guess what might appeal to possible specimens... um, I mean visitors.

Another exception to decor is her sleeping quarters, which holds her many commendations and awards, objects with personal meaning, and pictures of her home planet. Pictures of her home also decorate the walls of the Personal Waste Disposal Area, called a bathroom on the Sim world.

This is a fun lot to play. Years later I'm still playing it. Soliel has learned a lot about Sims since her arrival and isn't nearly as naive and socially awkward as when she first arrived. And Administrator has learned a lot too; he no longer chews the furniture or drinks from the personal waste disposal unit.

The lot includes everything required for raising skills. There's a radio and computer, but no TV; I don't usually give my Sims a TV.

Utilities are a little high, §550-600, but it might be worth it for a home that's out of this world.

Have fun!

Lot Size: 2x2
Lot Price: §130,722

Custom Content by Me:
- RC Maxis Wall Shelf
- RC Wall Planter
- RC Falling Fern
- RC Harmonious Centerpiece
- RC Bonsai
- RC Maxis Sandwich Picture_Fantasy Landscapes
- RC Maxis Saturn Poster_Galaxies, Black Holes and Planets

Custom Content Included:
- ATS Modern Line Kitchen & Metal RC Objects > Kitchens > pg 1 > Kitchen #3 by Sandy @Around The Sims 2 You'll need: Counter 001, Dishwasher 001, Fridge 001, Sink 001, Stove 001, Trash Compactor 001, Wall Shelf 002
- Pennington Penguin (specimen) - Sims 2 Designers > Tinhouse > Meshes > pg 1 by tinhouse @Black Pearl Sims
- Mango Sculpture from the Nelson Bedroom Set - Bedrooms > pg 4 (bathroom) by Mango-Sims
- Biohazard Specimen Containers from the Medical Set by HChangeri @Retail Sims
- Crystal Chunk & RC (specimen) from the Crystal Store Set by HChangeri @Retail Sims
- Dr. McGuillicuddy's Rounded Cure-Alls & RC (specimen) from the Crystal Store Set by HChangeri @Retail Sims
- Tri-Crystal of Power & RC (specimen) from the Crystal Store Set by HChangeri @Retail Sims
- The Artful Mushroom & RC (specimen) from the Fairy Store Set by HChangeri @Retail Sims
- Enchanted Mobile from the Fairy Store Set by HChangeri @Retail Sims
- The Oddity (bedside table) from the Moonglow Store Set by HChangeri @Retail Sims
- The Source of All Power & RC (specimen) from the Pagan Store Set by HChangeri @Retail Sims
- Crystal Spires & RC (specimen) from the Pagan Store Set by HChangeri @Retail Sims
- Artesia Table Sculpture (plant specimen) from the Into the Future Set by Veranka
- Artificial Emotion Trophy from the Into the Future Set by Veranka
- Babylon's Garden Plant Sculpture-Floor (stairs) from the Into the Future Set by Veranka
- Babylon's Garden Plant Sculpture (bedroom) from the Into The Future Set by Veranka
- Construction Trophy from the Into The Future Set by Veranka
- Dark Matter (specimen) from the Into the Future Set by Veranka
- Pinwheel Novae Table Sculpture (livingroom) from the Into the Future Set by Veranka
- Program Chip from the Into the Future Set by Veranka
- Simulated Combat Trophy from the Into the Future Set by Veranka
- Stardust (specimen) from the Into the Future Set by Veranka
- RH Decadent Wall Lamp from the Roaring Heights Set by Veranka
- Blake's Glass Shower Screen & Door by blake_boy @MTS
- Quattro Wall Mount Shower Set by blake_boy @MTS
- Burglar Camera Securehouse by Cicciograna @MTS
- Indistructable Skeleton Teddy Bear (specimen) by Drachenfels @MTS
- Feepflanze (large plant specimen) by feeEssen @MTS
- Free Column #1 - Leaning Forward Version by FifthAce2007 @MTS
- "Boneapart" (skeleton specimen) by gromit @MTS
- Intrepid Class Warp Core (roof) by jasonduskey @MTS
- Intrepid Class Rail Console by jasonduskey @MTS
- Jupiter Station Holography Workstation (roof) by jasonduskey @MTS
- Regula 1 2x1 Science Console by jasonduskey @MTS
- Regula 1 Science Console B by jasonduskey @MTS
- Regula 1 Science Console C by jasonduskey @MTS
- High End Living Chair 1 by joninmobile @MTS
- Sim Trek Sliding Door Diagonal by Leefish @MTS
- Pig (specimen) by Mickyss @MTS
- IKEA Hedgehog (specimen) by Olisek @MTS
- Becks Baby Doll - Infant & RC (specimen) by Rebecah @MTS
- Becks Baby Doll - Boy & RC (specimen) by Rebecah @MTS
- Becks Baby Doll - Girl & RC (specimen) by Rebecah @MTS
- Prida Embossed Window #1 Diagonal & Frame RC by stonetower @MTS
- Prida Embossed Window #1 Straight & Frame RC by stonetower @MTS
- The Alien Embryo Lamp (specimen) by xanathon @MTS
- Energyfield-Control Panel by xanathon @MTS
- Xanathon HighTech Lightpanel Type "V" (floor version) by xanathon @MTS
- Shortwave Transceiver by xanathon @MTS
- SimSwank Lawn Recliner by zookini @MTS
- Fallout 3 Wall Terminal by fiddledeedee @Garden of Shadows
- Steampunk "Mercury" Walls & Floors by Apollyon Dynamite @MTS

Additional Credits:
Thank you to Sim Trek 2 Boldly Go artists and all the wonderful Star Trek fans out there. Even if I didn't use your custom content, you inspired me greatly.
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