CaSTable Hover Train Car Models
carStation1.jpg - width=1200 height=900
carsPassing.jpg - width=1200 height=900
carStation2.jpg - width=1200 height=900
carStationNight.jpg - width=1200 height=900
carSizes.jpg - width=1200 height=900
carsHideInBasement.jpg - width=1200 height=900
carsTest.jpg - width=1200 height=900

These are new Hover Train "model" objects that can be used in your world. Hover Train stations are not required but will add to their purpose if you do use this type of transportation system. These can be used in Oasis Landing or in custom worlds provided you already have the Into the Future expansion pack installed. They work with original hover train stations and the CaSTable stations found here as well. They do not have a purchase price ($0).
There are two packages in the .rar file -- the models package and an optional ITUN package (see Important Notes for ITUN info).
Firstly, the models are CaSTable and can be used as decorative objects. There are three sizes available -- Large (full size), Small & Extra Small. The two smaller sizes will fit on objects with slots, such as end tables, coffee tables, chimney mantles, etc. There are separate tuning files for each size should you wish to change something (default viewing and environment values are all based on the Table Yeti sculpture).
Secondly, if you play in Oasis Landing or in a custom world that uses a Hover Train transportation system, then the Hover Train script will now look for these new "model" objects when a sim decides to use the Hover Train to travel. If any are found (and depending on their location), the new script will copy the colours from the model and apply them to the actual train car that is generated at the station, thus allowing you to control the design of the rideable train cars (per station if you so choose).
The three models can be used together in any combination. If you wish to use the large model and not have it be seen, you can simply put it in a basement room that has no access. The script mechanics will handle the details with regard to the actual train car colouring.
**How The Script Works
- Check the lot containing the station that a sim is departing from for a model. If a model is found, use that design for this station's train cars.
- If no models are found on the station lot that a sim is departing from, then check the rest of the world for a model. If a model is found (i.e. in someone's home), use that design for this station's train cars.
- If no models are found anywhere in the world, then the original default colours are used.
To summarise, models on a lot WITH a station take priority for that station only. The station can only generate the colours from that model. Models on lots WITH or WITHOUT stations will be used by any station that does not have it's own specific model. You can use more than one model on any lot within the world and in any combination of sizes. The script will randomly choose from the available model "pool" within the constraints stated above.
To further clarify:
- if you only want one colour for your train cars, then only ONE model of any size is needed (can be placed anywhere in the world).
- If you want to be sure that each station has its own specific colours, then it's best to place models on each station's lot since they will take priority for each individual station.
- Stations with no models at all will pull colours from anywhere else that does have a model -- sim homes AND other stations with models.
Model Placement Example
Station A models -- large blue front of lot, large green hidden in basement
Station B models -- large red hidden in basement, large yellow hidden in basement
Station C models -- none
Station D models -- none
Station E models -- large grey front of lot
Jimmy Smith's house -- small purple on fireplace mantel, extra small black on bedroom end table
Susan Jones' house -- extra small orange on coffee table
Possible combinations that can be generated (chosen at random)
Station A -- blue & green only (this station)
Station B -- red & yellow only (this station)
Station C -- blue, green, red, yellow, grey (from all stations), purple, black, orange (from all houses)
Station D -- blue, green, red, yellow, grey (from all stations), purple, black, orange (from all houses)
Station E -- grey only (this station)

ALL objects do rely on resources from the originals in order for everything to look and/or function correctly, therefore, you will need to have the "Into The Future" expansion pack already installed.
The following resources from the original Hover Train have been overridden and will conflict with any mod using the same ones:
OBJD, MODL, MLODs with addt'l info to allow recolouring
OBJK with edited script code that allows models to be located and colours applied to generated train car
ITUN - NPCUseHoverTrain (optional package) with additional outputs that will hopefully encourage a little more autonomous NPC usage of the hover train
**I didn't notice a lot of npc's using the hover train in Oasis Landing, and the ITUN seemed to help. However, it may need addt'l tweaking if the values are too low/high. I haven't had extensive dealings with ITUNs, so I'm not positive about what output values would be best. If your sims start "station hopping" over & over again or still refuse to use the hover train on their own, the values can be edited using S3PE (or just let me know some better values, and I'll be happy to revise them).

- File Location: After downloading, unzip the .rar file and place the unzipped .package file into your Mods/Packages folder. Deleting the scriptCache.package and compositorCache.package may not be necessary, but it's usually the first thing I do when I start using new mods (just in case).
- Catalogue Location: Buy Mode - Vehicles - Misc | Outside - Transport
I really didn't want to put these in Misc Decor because it's so overpacked already. Since they look like a vehicle, I decided here would be good. If you use the CaSTable hover train stations, they should be right after those. The little stick person on the thumbnail should help distinguish between the different sizes.
- Usage: Place somewhere on a lot.
- CaST: Simply click and recolour as per usual.
Additional Credits:
Inge & Peter for their wonderful S3PE / S3OC / Tweaker tools that have made this possible
icarus_allsorts for finding me a more logical place to use my custom code
All the other modders who continue to provide us with more great game content.
| Package with 3 CaSTable models, overrides for rideable hover train and (optional) ITUN package
Uploaded: 1st Sep 2015, 184.1 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 3 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Into the Future |