The Sim Bouncer - a trampoline for fun and body skill
by NixNivis 21st Apr 2013 at 3:08pm
An animated one-tile trampoline where your Sims will have fun and build body skill at the same time! more...
127 144.4k 507
Baby's First Command: An Animated Starship Mobile
by NixNivis 11th Aug 2011 at 11:08pm
An animated starship mobile for your Starfleet brat nurseries. more...
31 47.5k 91
Lighten Up! A Mod for Brighter Computer Screens
by NixNivis updated 8th Jul 2011 at 1:53am
A TXMT mod that makes the basegame computer screens brighter, more...
39 134.1k 387
*UPDATED* Live Long and Prosper: A Vulcan meditation lamp, as seen on "Star Trek"
by NixNivis 20th May 2010 at 8:05pm
A Vulcan meditation lamp, as seen on "Star Trek" more...
21 33.5k 43
Star Trek: The Original Series uniforms for your oldschool Sims
by NixNivis 5th Apr 2010 at 12:30am
Star Trek: The Original Series duty uniforms. more...
20 41.3k 72
UPDATED! Star Trek rank insignia as accessories!
by NixNivis 30th Aug 2009 at 6:20am
Starfleet rank insignia for NCO and ensign to captain, as accessories. more...
10 31.1k 24
Star Trek rank insignia for TNG/VOY uniforms and dress uniforms
by NixNivis 7th May 2009 at 8:36pm
Rank insignia for Star Trek:TNG and VOY uniforms and dress uniforms. more...
7 33.3k 12
*REQUESTED* TNG and VOY dress uniforms for your Starfleet Sims
by NixNivis 7th May 2009 at 5:20am
Star Trek:TNG and VOY style Starfleet dress uniforms for adults/YA and elders. more...
12 34.8k 37
Qapla'! Klingons, as seen on Star Trek
by NixNivis updated 7th Jul 2008 at 1:28am
Klingon uniforms, modern Star Trek era. Qapla'! more...
25 39.3k 26
*UPDATED* Star Trek uniforms ("The Next Generation" version) for adults and elders
by NixNivis updated 14th Jul 2009 at 10:41am
Star Trek: The Next Generation style Starfleet uniforms for adults/YA and elders. more...
26 53.1k 64
*REQUESTED* Rank insignia for Starfleet cadets, as seen on "Star Trek"
by NixNivis updated 3rd Dec 2007 at 10:00pm
Starfleet cadet's rank insignia. more...
8 19.8k 10
*REQUESTED* Star Trek cadet uniforms (late DS9 version) for teens, on custom meshes
by NixNivis updated 4th Aug 2009 at 8:40pm
Star Trek: DS9/First Contact style Starfleet cadet uniforms for teens. more...
12 25.9k 21
*REQUESTED* Star Trek provisional rank insignia, as seen on "Voyager"
by NixNivis 26th Sep 2007 at 8:26pm
Starfleet provisional rank insignia, for crewman and ensign to commander. more...
13 21.2k 8
*REQUESTED* Star trek dress uniforms for adults and elders (UPDATED!)
by NixNivis updated 5th Aug 2009 at 12:52am
Star Trek: DS9/First Contact style Starfleet dress uniforms. more...
11 25.8k 19
Trekkers ahoy! Star Trek: Voyager uniforms for adults and elders
by NixNivis updated 4th Aug 2009 at 9:44pm
Star Trek: Voyager style Starfleet uniforms for adults/YA and elders. more...
14 38.1k 41
*FIXED!* Star Trek cadet uniforms for young adults, on new custom meshes
by NixNivis updated 4th Aug 2009 at 9:29pm
Star Trek: DS9/First Contact style Starfleet cadet uniforms for YA. more...
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